Welcome from Humble1 I want to thank Silicon Investor for this site. Nothing said or done here by me or anyone should be construed as trading or investment advice! I am not certified or qualified as an analyst or a financial adviser. I am a private trader who tries to make money swing trading the daily SPX bars and selected equities, with help from friends.
H1&STF is for discussions about Time and Price for use in swing trading the SPX and selected equities. I consider gold and silver coins a valuable long term holding to be accumulated during sharp sell offs. All charts and discussions concerning gold and silver are welcomed.
Your posts and comments are encouraged. Whether bull or bear, they will be appreciated. Swing trading means trading in both directions.
Absolutely no foul language, or faux foul language and related acronyms, of any kind.
Good Luck!
Fortuna Cornucopia

H1 Motto: In Utraque Fortuna Paratus
Astro Section
"As above ...

"... so below."
Suddenly: Astro Appeared For My 3/22/18 Date!
This appeared this morning at RM's free site. It is fascinating to me because I have had 3/22-3/23 in my highlighted date window for weeks now, well before the high. And, now - boom!. There is an AstoHit which confluences with the most important date in NYSE history.
It's a bit AstroGeeky but here it is. Looking at my ephem I see that Uranus leaves 26 Aries early 3/23. Also note that the new budget agreement has a new anxiety date to pass needed debt ceiling approval.
"But the amplitude of the decline, and the hysteria and panic that have accompanied this decline, suggest that something more dramatic, by the language of geocosmic studies, was involved with Uranus. The answer is quite clear, to me, if one examines the chart of the New York Stock Exchange, specifically the “Buttonwood Agreement” chart of May 17, 1792. Here, one will find that today’s stationary transit of Uranus at 26 degrees of Aries, falls right on the NYSE natal Saturn, in opposition to the NYSE Jupiter/Neptune conjunction in 23-27 of Libra." - R.M.
3/22/18 1Ar48 3Ge46 16Ar53.19Ar15 2Cp44 22Sc56. 8Cp34 26Ar58 14Pi36 21Cp02 3/23/18 2Ar48 17Ge45 16Ar53.20Ar29 3Cp18 22Sc54. 8Cp36 27Ar01 14Pi38 21Cp03
Chart Gallery


Perspective Gallery
A Cup of Tea
Nan-in, a Japanese master during the Meiji era (1868-1912), received a university professor who came to inquire about Zen. Nan-in served tea. He poured his visitor's cup full, and then kept on pouring. The professor watched the overflow until he no longer could restrain himself. "It is overfull. No more will go in!" "Like this cup," Nan-in said, "you are full of your own opinions and speculations. How can I show you Zen unless you first empty your cup?" te esse hominem memento; mortalem te esse. memento mori. respice post te. nam mors indecepta!

H1 DateWatch :
Highlighted Date #1: 1/31/18
* Total Lunar Eclipse + Blood Moon
* Bradley Window (1/29/18)
* Yellen's Last FOMC
* Day after State of the Union
* Puetz Scenario first Pre-Crash (secondary) high widow. Lunar Eclipse before a Solar Eclipse.
 Highlighted Date #2 2/17/18
* New Moon/Solar Eclipse +2
* HLH?: 3/24/00 -> 3/6/09 -> 2/16/18
* Mars/s/Neptune
Highlighted Date #3 2/21/18
* Ven/c/Nep
*HLH?: 3/24/00 -> 3/9/09 -> 2/23/18
Astro Special Date: 3/2/18
* Full Moon
* Friday
* Mars at 21 Sagittarius
* 1637 Tulip Crash in force until May 1, 1637
* 1/26 + 35, Five Weeks
Highlighted Date #4: 3/8/18
* Kress Cycle 9 years from 3/6/09->3/9/09, I/D and Closing Lows
* Giant Jupiter Stat
* Once mentioned by Master Timer Zman
Highlighted Date #5: 3/22/18 (+/-1)
* FOMC w/Powell as chair on 3/21/18
* 1/26/18 + 55 = FOMC statement +1
* possible crash #1 low * Kress 18 Year Cycle from 2000
* See Astro Section
Zman Dates:
See the latest here -> http://www.siliconinvestor.com/subject.aspx?subjectid=59286
AstroWatch: 1/31/18 Blood Moon; 2/16/18 (mars/s/nep + 4 other planets in aspect, new moon), zman's 3/9/18 (jupiter stat), 3/21/18,
Event Watch:
NAFTA Critical Round 6 In Progress
(some are predicting the USA will provide notice of withdrawal or even with draw.)
"Potential outcomes for the negotiations include: keeping the status quo - with no improvements made to NAFTA and the agreement remains in place (which we do not consider to be likely); updating the NAFTA along the lines discussed above by next summer in time for the Mexican elections; and the US providing notice of withdrawal or possibly even withdrawing from NAFTA with resulting uncertainty, lawsuits and potential Congressional reaction to follow. It is too early to predict which outcome is most likely and stakeholders will no doubt continue to press their issues with policy makers in all three countries."
3/21/18: FOMC and Powell's 1st Rate Decision and news conference
China Watch:

Debt Apocalypse Now:
Message 31476930
Good Reads:
hussman on valuations: https://www.hussmanfunds.com/wmc/wmc171002.htm

Epic Debt Disaster In Progress
Message 31470006
Why SPX 2872 Could Have Been A MegaTop
* The 224/1987 root-3 connection to 1343
224 -> 2872 = 2648
2648/1.732 = 1529
2872 - 1529 = 1343
* The SPX 1370 connection
442 -> 2872 = 2430
2430 x .382 = 988
442 + 928 = 1370
* The 442/1994 Fibo connetion to 1074
442 -> 1553 = 1111
1111 x 1.618 = 1798
1074 + 1798 = 2872
* The 1.382 connection to 666
666 -> 2134 = 1468
1468/1.382 = 1062
1810 + 1062 = 2872
* The 1074 Wave Equality connection
1074 + 1060 = 2134
1812 (1/20/16 low) + 1060 = 2872
* The 2.618 connection from 1810
1810-> 2111 = 301
301 x 1.618 = 788
2084 + 788 = 2872
Also of interest:
* sornette singularity completion, as seen above
* mars in Sagittarius on 1/27/18
* the hounds have the increasingly desperate prey cornered
* sam's ewave count posted real time late 1/26
* fintas p+f from 1458
* puetz eclipse pair crash scenario
* tulip bubble collapse in february 1637

(better fit: would move the white peak, 8/26/87 to 1/26/18. then, + 55 = 10/19/87 and 3/22/18. note that the 10/2/87 pre-crash high lines up with event day 3/5/18, the monday two trading days after the 3/1 full moon. )