
About Silicon Investor:

Silicon Investor was launched on August 8, 1995 (the day before Netscape's IPO). The first true community on the World Wide Web, early-adopters quickly immigrated from AOL, Compuserve, and Prodigy. In late 1996 SI accounted for more than 5% of all pages in the Alta Vista search engine (way before Google existed!)

Since then, 99,734 registered members have posted 35,030,736 public messages. Each of these messages is available either by browsing the topic-specifc Subject message boards, or by using the Advanced Search feature available to Registered Members.

Site's Organization

Our top level discussion forum categories are StockTalk, Politics and Pastimes
StockTalk, our raison d'ĂȘtre, is further divided into Techstocks, Biotech, Non-Tech, Gold/Mining/Energy, Microcap and Strategies forums.
We also have a Site Forums category where you can keep up with the latest SI news or ask questions

There are 5 large menus at the top of every page let you navigate our site.

Using the leftmost the SI menu one may Discover much of the best of on our site, visit our Member Store and view our site policies and FAQ.

Mail provides access to your inbox listing messages, public and private, received from other users.

SubjectMarks provides access to your favorite Subjects and keeps track of those with new messages since the last time you checked. You can add and remove Subjects from each Subject's main page.  You can store your favorite posts in the Keepers folder here, by clicking the Keep link at the bottom of any public post.

PeopleMarks stores a summary of your favorite SI Members and keeps track of those with new messages since the last time you checked. You can add and remove PeopleMarks by clicking on any Member's name and then selecting Add PeopleMark from their Profile page.

The Tools menu provides access to both basic and advanced site Search, Site Forums where you may ask questions and keep up with SI news, and you may also edit your Profile and adjust your site interface Settings via this menu.

New Users may wish to begin by clicking on Silicon Investor logo above, then selecting a top-level Forum of interest, and then selecting a specific Subject. Or, you can click the Search button and enter a stock ticker or name in the Subjects search box. Or, you can select from several screens of Hot Subjects, and popular Subjects and People. Individual Forum lists and the Hot lists can be sorted by clicking on various column headings.

Miscellaneous Subject Screening Tools

New Subjects lists the 20 most recently created discussion Subjects.

Hot Subjects screens the boards with the most posting activity. The default view lists the boards with the greatest percentage increase in new posts in the past 24 hours versus the previous 7 days. Clicking Last 24 hours will list the most active boards in order of new posts made during the past 24 hours. Boards must be at least a week old before qualifying for inclusion on the Hot Lists.

Top SubjectMarks is a screen of the most SubjectMarked boards, updated hourly. The list can be sorted by clicking on any of the following column headings:

Top PeopleMarks is a screen of the most PeopleMarked members, updated each night. Members who have not posted in the past 30 days are excluded unless the box is checked and then clicking the Refresh button. The list can be sorted by clicking on any of the following column headings:

Or just click the Search button at the top top of the page, and enter some keywords into the Subjects field!