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Strategies & Market Trends
Humble1 and Swing Trading Friends
An SI Board Since October 2009
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Welcome from Humble1

I want to thank Silicon Investor for this site.

Nothing said or done here by me or anyone should be construed as trading or investment advice! I am not certified or qualified as an analyst or a financial adviser. I am a private trader who tries to make money swing trading the daily SPX bars and selected equities, with help from friends.

H1&STF is for discussions about Time and Price for use in swing trading the SPX and selected equities. All charts and discussions concerning gold and silver are welcomed.

Your posts and comments are encouraged. Whether bull or bear, they will be appreciated. Swing trading means trading in both directions.

Absolutely no foul language, or faux foul language and related acronyms, of any kind.

Good Luck!

Fortuna Cornucopia

Ancient Roman amethyst intaglio of Fortuna, dated to the 1st century BCE to the 1st century CE. Found in the Hermitage Museum.

H1 Motto: In Utraque Fortuna Paratus

Astro Section

“Millionaires don't use Astrology, billionaires do.” - J.P. Morgan

"As above ...

"... so below."


1) Lunar eclipses or full moons one cycle away from a lunar eclipse were always coincident to the beginning of the famous market crashes.
2) The full moon coincident to the beginning of the crash has always been within six weeks of a solar eclipse.
3) The “panic phases” of all 12 crashes Puetz studied were entirely encompassed within one of the following periods:
a) February 4-April 5
b) September 3- October 29

Perspective Gallery

“All of humanity’s problems, stem from man’s inability to sit quietly in a room alone.” - Blaise Pascal

A Cup of Tea

Nan-in, a Japanese master during the Meiji era (1868-1912), received a university professor who came to inquire about Zen. Nan-in served tea. He poured his visitor's cup full, and then kept on pouring. The professor watched the overflow until he no longer could restrain himself. "It is overfull. No more will go in!" "Like this cup," Nan-in said, "you are full of your own opinions and speculations. How can I show you Zen unless you first empty your cup?"

te esse hominem memento; mortalem te esse. memento mori. respice post te. nam mors indecepta!


"Don't identify with anything. Be completely empty – no one. Be no-body and see if you lose anything but delusion." Mooji

Meditative withdrawal from the day's turmoil into creative silence is not a luxury, a fad, or a futility. It dissolves mental tensions and heals negative emotions.


The earth is degenerating today. Bribery and corruption abound. Children no longer obey their parents, every man wants to write a book, and it is evident that the end of the world is fast approaching." - Assyrian tablet, c. 2800 BC





Note: There was a Full Moon on 9/2/20, the same day that Venus was in opposition to Saturn. One of our (RM) basic geocosmic trading rules is that any market that is spiking (up or down) into a hard Venus/Saturn aspect is a candidate for a reversal.


H1 Notes:

As discussed last week, hard aspects involving Uranus can either be reversal or breakout signatures. The latter is more common when markets are near multi-year or all-time highs or lows.



3/23/20 LOW: MARS square PLUTO
9/2/21 HIGH: VENUS opposed SATURN + Full Moon
11/19/21 HIGH: Lunar Eclipse + VENUS trine URANUS
1/12/22 HIGH: MARS square NEPTUNE
3/3/22 HIGH: MARS/VENUS conjunct PLUTO
3/29/22 HIGH: VENUS conjunct SATURN
4/4/22 HIGH: MARS conjunct SATURN
5/12/22 LOW: VENUS trine SATURN
5/20/22 LOW: MARS conjunct NEPTUNE +2; Mars op Pluto Minus 1 year
6/17/22 LOW: VENUS square SATURN
7/14/22 LOW: Lindsay?: Venus sq Neptune + FM+1
8/15/22 HIGH: MARS trine PLUTO
10/13/22 LOW: MARS sq NEPTUNE
11/15/22 HIGH: VENUS trine JUPITER

11/3/22 BUT 1 year Gannie VENUS Op NEPTUNE 5/5/23: Venus square Neptune+Lunar Eclipse
5/20/23 H/L?: MARS op PLUTO, NM + 1,


Root/4 Pi : 1.33

2.272/1.272 = 1.786
2root/.618 = .786
3root/.618 = .852
2root/1.618 = 1.272
3root/1.618 = 1.174
2root/2root/pi = 1.333

2root/pi = 1.772
3root/pi = 1.4646
1/1.4646 = .683
1.618x1.272 = 2.058
2root/2 = 1.414
3root/2 = 1.26
2root/3 = 1.732
3root/3 = 1.442
2root/5 = 2.236
3root/5 = 1.7070
1.618x1.414=2.288 (9/2/21-1/3/22-10/13/22)

square1/.764 = 1.7135

1.618x1.382 = 2.236 = 2root/5
pi x phi = 3.1416 x .618 = 1.9415






NAS 100: Lindsay Set-up
12/7/22 Full Moon + 225 = 7/20/23

Chart Gallery


Jim Reid and team of DBK have been busy trying to figure out the next big tail risk. Conclusion;

"The main takeaway is that there’s a one-in-three chance that the next decade will see at least one of a major flu pandemic killing more than 2m people; a globally catastrophic volcanic eruption; a major solar flare; and a global war. So some pretty striking stuff."


Turned out to be a HIGH!

The danger may even continue into April 5 when another aspect of frustration and anger arises when Mars conjoins Saturn. This can also be a period of long-term cycle highs or lows – reversals – in grain prices within 1-3 weeks.

After April 5, the theme of the cosmos switches again towards resolution and peace. We just have to protect ourselves until then. To a great extent, the themes of Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces are already evident. These are cosmic indicators of inflation. They also contain themes of speculative frenzies, which we see happening in Gold and Crude Oil, the latter even more so because it is ruled by Jupiter, Neptune, and Pisces. But with speculative frenzies come the presence or aftermath of hysteria and even panic.


11/19/21: Venus trine Uranus; Lunar Eclipse; November Expiration;

With Uranus, the keywords for financial markets are erratic, disruptive, sudden, and unexpected. Uranus is the higher octave of Mercury, and like the Trickster, its momentum can change abruptly. The major difference is that with Uranus, the price swings are usually much steeper than those exhibited under Mercury retrograde. Mercury might fall off a hill. Uranus falls off a cliff.

XXXX ………… 9/26/22 ….

The first two years of the Jupiter/Saturn cycle have historically been marked by wars, military outbreaks, and threats to both the economy and societies of the world. But they then give way to a period of expansion and growth. We are in the second year of the Jupiter/Saturn cycle now. The turmoil and disruptions that characterize this time may end August-November, when the last near-exact passage of the Saturn/Uranus waning square takes place, with Jupiter midway between (and forming a semi-square to both). The cosmic peak of this chaotic period is September 21-28, but a two-month orb of influence must be allowed to recognize what is happening. It’s going to be interesting. Stay tuned and be safe.


Treasury Secretary Yellen says she can stretch the payments out until early June. This is interesting because in the second half of May, Mars-Jupiter-Pluto will form a T-square. Jupiter/Pluto, in hard aspects is often a time of a financial panic nearby. If you are thinking about purchasing short-term Treasuries, perhaps it would be best to avoid those coming due May-July. On the other hand, that may be the best time to purchase Treasuries that come onto the market then, for their rates may be briefly and sharply higher than normal as fear of a selling frenzy could engulf the financial community. It’s good to lock in rates when holders are in a panic. They want the comfort of getting out and you want the opportunity to maximize the return on your investment. Be smart and plan your investment strategy with that period in mind.


Puetz asks what the odds are that eight of the greatest market crashes in history would accidentally fall within a time period of six days before to three days after a full moon that occurred within six weeks of a solar eclipse? His answer is that for all eight crashes to accidentally fall within the required intervals would be .23 raised to the eighth power less than one chance in 127,000.”

The tendency has been for the markets to peak a few days ahead of the full moon, move flat to slightly lower –waiting for the full moon to pass. Then on the day of the full moon or slightly after, the brunt of the crash hits the marketplace.”

CNN Sentiment


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ReplyMessage PreviewFromRecsPosted
40426Meanwhile, back at the ranch … Drowning in debt: Americans are finding it hardhumble11yesterday
40425Can’t find many bears, real bears. For years the popular financial sites had CRAhumble12yesterday
40424My Position: I have a small profit on my recent short trade. However, the markethumble13Wednesday
40423Mistress Market has mesmerized us right into the Consumer Price index tomorrow. humble13Tuesday
40422J Powell Day is probably not going to be a good day. May even see an Island gapphumble12Tuesday
40421Inside day on the SPX. Better than I expected but basically a churn. Not much elhumble11Monday
40420After a kiss of 6100 (the 12/6 high) SPX reversed sharply and Bearishly Engulfedhumble12last Friday
40419I have a baaad feeling about the market in the next few days and weeks. Too muchhumble12February 5
40418Report 7.1 SPX Cycles Long Range Projection Chart. The Weekly Bear Cycle W-S-1 hnortham-February 4
40417Report 7.1 SPX Cycles Long Range Projection Chart. Today the Weekly opened in annortham1February 4
40416Nice. I remember right around this time in 2018.Rarebird1February 2
4041515 to 20 percent seems doable in a correction. The tariffs will be bad but it feVic J2February 2
40414I raised my recent short position to 50% (from 35%) on Friday. I am looking for humble17February 1
40413Agree with you H1 about this being a good day to get short for a potentially loncrashwatch3January 31
40412Making an important TOP, imho, A new high, or retest, going into the 2/1/25 H1 Chumble12January 31
40411NMhumble1-January 28
40410Gonna be an ugly one tomorrow: Message 34993969humble12January 26
40409Report 7.1 SPX Cycles Long Range Projection Chart. Today the SPX made a new ATH northam-January 24
40408The R2K 50 has rolled over and Price has kissed the underbelly. If the SPX millshumble13January 24
40407Report 7.1 SPX Cycles Long Range Projection Chart. Today the SPX made a new ATH northam-January 23
40406Blab: Looking for a drop/plunge into the Lunar Eclipse+FOMC Window around 3/12-humble11January 23
40405Report 7.1 SPX Cycles Long Range Projection Chart. Today the SPX made a new ATH northam-January 22
40404Interesting Candles: SPX double tops with an ugly RSI while R2K undermines with humble11January 22
40403Eagles -6 and Bills + 1 1/2. My picks.humble1-January 22
40402Will short a bit more today and go to about 35% short in trading accounts. “I ahumble12January 22
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