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Strategies & Market Trends
Zman Market Timing
An SI Board Since October 2013
Posts SubjectMarks Bans Symbol
15886 230 1 $SPX
Emcee:  da_cheif™ Type:  Moderated
This is a place for those who value TA and want a place to focus on Market Analysis and political debate

The contents of this thread are the personal views and opinions of any and all who post here. It is intended solely for entertainment purposes. It is NOT intended to be trading or investment

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15886Hogan/Cheney, Cheney/Hogan. Am I a leftist or RINO?rdkflorida2-8/30/2022
15885hahahahahahaha PM is soooooo easy lmazoffda_cheif™-5/30/2022
15884spread ur insane bull chit elsewhere eh...u are demented only a pos lefty wud da_cheif™24/24/2020
15883Trump has "flipped out". He has become unhinged. DANGEROUS MAN. yahrdkflorida2-4/24/2020
15882Mr. Zman called 1800 SnP a very important number a long, long time ago. I thinkrdkflorida223/18/2020
15881Humble1 was where I first saw the Zman expiration note.... fwiw. Confirmed righKen Adams-1/7/2020
15880OH I Cda_cheif™-1/7/2020
15879I think you told me... GZGROUND ZERO™-1/7/2020
15878where did u hear about zmans demiseda_cheif™-1/7/2020
15877Likely not so... I understand zman left this world... but there are many just GROUND ZERO™-1/7/2020
15876Maybe just “channeling” him....Clam digger-1/7/2020
15875ya think candlestickit is really zman come back?da_cheif™-1/7/2020
15874I fully agree with his impressions and I've been telling you the same, that GROUND ZERO™13/3/2019
15873i hada dr of psychiatry friend of mine read the thread where larry and curlda_cheif™-3/2/2019
15872Wow, great video, exactly... Did I tell ya he's jealous... except he can nGROUND ZERO™-3/2/2019
158711st definition of Jealous according to Merriam Webster's Dictionary. DefWinfastorlose-3/2/2019
15870who does these 12 signs remind u of....anyone anyone?? lmaoda_cheif™13/2/2019
15869You're too close to the chart to see it... leave the chart where it is and GROUND ZERO™22/28/2019
15868what is bullish about that chart?>> its designed to keep u out.....u shuda_cheif™12/25/2019
15867humble has the info....if u gettit from him let me know....he just mentioned on da_cheif™-2/20/2019
15866Don... details, if appropriate and if available.... please.Ken Adams-2/20/2019
15865How did his Clownship ever become Moderator when no one voted his ass in ? Quiw0z12/20/2019
15864RIP zmanda_cheif™12/20/2019
15863Yes you are missing something. Do your homework there was a vote and he won. If Fintas12/9/2019
15862Meet The Rich Kids Of Venezuela Sat, 02/09/2019 - 08:25 Like every utopian soWinfastorlose12/9/2019
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