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Uranium Stocks
An SI Board Since January 1998
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28659 473 3 URNM
Emcee:  The Barracuda™ Type:  Moderated
Uranium is a critical element in the production of nuclear energy, and its demand is expected to rise significantly in the coming years. While uranium prices have been relatively low for several years, there are several factors that suggest they will rise in the near future. In this article, we will explore some of the reasons why uranium prices are likely to increase.

Growing demand for nuclear energy. The demand for nuclear energy is expected to rise significantly in the coming years, as countries around the world seek to reduce their reliance on fossil fuels and transition to cleaner sources of energy. Nuclear power is a low-carbon source of energy that can provide a reliable and stable source of electricity. In fact, according to the World Nuclear Association, nuclear energy is the second-largest low-carbon electricity source in the world, after hydropower.

As the demand for nuclear energy increases, so too will the demand for uranium, the primary fuel used to power nuclear reactors. This increased demand is likely to put upward pressure on uranium prices.

Decreasing supply of uranium

While demand for uranium is increasing, the supply of uranium is decreasing. According to the World Nuclear Association, global uranium production has been declining since 2016, and the trend is expected to continue in the coming years. This decline in production is due in part to the closure of some uranium mines and the reduced investment in new mining projects.

As the supply of uranium decreases, it becomes more difficult and expensive to produce, which can put upward pressure on prices. In fact, some experts predict that a supply deficit could occur in the near future, which could further increase prices.

Uranium stocks are dwindling

In addition to the declining production of uranium, the amount of uranium held in stockpiles is also decreasing. According to the Nuclear Energy Agency, global uranium inventories have declined by over 20% since 2013. This decline is due in part to the increased demand for nuclear energy and the closure of some uranium mines.

As the amount of uranium held in stockpiles decreases, it becomes more difficult for nuclear power plants to secure the fuel they need to operate. This increased competition for uranium can put upward pressure on prices.

The growing importance of nuclear energy in the fight against climate change

Climate change is one of the greatest challenges facing humanity, and the transition to cleaner sources of energy is critical in the fight against it. Nuclear energy is a low-carbon source of energy that can help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

As the world seeks to reduce its carbon footprint, the demand for nuclear energy is likely to increase. This increased demand for nuclear energy is likely to put upward pressure on uranium prices.

New nuclear reactors are being built

Finally, new nuclear reactors are being built around the world, which will increase the demand for uranium. According to the World Nuclear Association, there are currently 54 reactors under construction globally, and many more are in the planning and development stages.

As these new reactors come online, they will require a steady supply of uranium to operate. This increased demand for uranium is likely to put upward pressure on prices.

In conclusion, there are several reasons why uranium prices are likely to rise in the near future. These include the growing demand for nuclear energy, the decreasing supply of uranium, the dwindling uranium stocks, the growing importance of nuclear energy in the fight against climate change, and the construction of new nuclear reactors. While the exact timing and magnitude of the price increase are difficult to predict, the long-term outlook for uranium prices is positive, and investors should keep a close eye on this market.

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28659FWIW... Last week I cut losses PYPL on a on a busted Thesis. I did look at addisixty2nds1Monday
28658Agree on both. Volume picking up of late in both URNM and URNJ. InterestinItsAllCyclical-Monday
28657Dunno either. Added URNJ and SILJ Friday PM FWIWThe Barracuda™-Sunday
28656Given what’s happening with Muslim immigration throughout Europe, calling AFD thItsAllCyclical3last Friday
28655Restarting reactors looks like the obvious thing to do, although it feels a bit Gib Bogle-last Friday
28654German elections. February 23 This would be huge and is not remotely faItsAllCyclical1last Friday
28653You could say nobody knows much. The people who do know a lot (like Grant IsaacGib Bogle-last Friday
28652Grant Isaac explains the utilities' thinking: (and other thingsGib Bogle1last Friday
28651OKLO up $10 on no news... What can happen when you have 20% SI and momo. NuItsAllCyclical2last Friday
28650NothingThe Barracuda™-last Friday
28649Looks like URNJ will close today w/the 2nd highest volume in it's history. ItsAllCyclical-February 3
28648This is just the spot market. It would be interesting to know about the term maGib Bogle-February 1
28647My. reason for holding US listed uraniums [X] Got U.S. #uranium? It’s alreadyThe Barracuda™-February 1
28646Super-human patience is needed.Gib Bogle2January 29
28645Uranium news today: 1) Boss reported commercial production, cash costs aligned ItsAllCyclical1January 29
28644Investors are throwing in the towel. Moving on to something else imho.jazzlover2-January 25
28643Need to locate wind farms off shore in vicinity of Martha’s Vineyard and NantuckThe Barracuda™-January 25
28642Now [X] Something to celebrate - the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has aThe Barracuda™1January 25
28641It's not hard to understand what is happening with Global Atomic. Dilution FJV-January 25
28640GLO - it looks as if people really didn't like Global Atomic raising $36m inGib Bogle-January 24
28639Putin's hand.Gib Bogle1January 24
28638Off shore wind is doubling down on stupid. There are durability issues on land.sixty2nds-January 24
28637large wind projects are stupidThe Barracuda™1January 24
286362 items from today's Italy Prepares Full U-Turn on Nucleasixty2nds2January 24
28635She’s gonna blow!! [graphic]The Barracuda™-January 24
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