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clx stuff 3838382538yesterday Pastimes
President Kamala Harris 36363633363 minutes agoPolitics
Slava Ukraini 353535293512 minutes agoPolitics
The Heavily HEAVILY moderated Kamala H3434342834last ThursdayPolitics
Young and Older Folk Portfolio407407275114339 hours agoStrategies & Market Trends
REFR Since Gauzy 2020201520last FridayTechnology Stocks
Elon Musk 18181817183 hours agoPolitics
Kirk's Market Thoughts 29129117396144 hours agoNon-Tech
Formerly About Advanced Micro Devices499488163121115 minutes agoPolitics
A Real American President: Donald Trum400400203125113 hours agoPolitics
The Trump Presidency 21721712692117 minutes agoPolitics
Ad Astra - An open Memorial for fallen265265147989September 6Pastimes
Buy and Sell Signals, and Other Market75775725312287 hours agoStrategies & Market Trends
High Yield Investing - CEF's 141141102428June 14Strategies & Market Trends
ajtj's Post-Lobotomy Market Charts and216216160837yesterday Strategies & Market Trends
Who Won't Be Down For Breakfast?16316388697last ThursdayPastimes
Research Frontiers (REFR)189187482473 hours agoTechnology Stocks
Observations and Collectables102102705269 hours agoPastimes
The Philosophical Porch 1881871005368 hours agoPastimes
AMD, ARMH, INTC, NVDA 286286105646a minute agoTechnology Stocks
Military Strategy Board 14314392605an hour agoPolitics
The Donald Trump Presidency2902901459653 hours agoPolitics
A Hard Look At Donald Trump 11811864495yesterday Politics
Zentek Ltd. 3273271156357 hours agoGold/Mining/Energy
DWAC/DJT: Truth Social goes public 1010995September 3Technology Stocks
Technology Stocks & Market Talk With D121111953431605yesterday Strategies & Market Trends
Qualcomm Moderated Thread - please rea1013977240104516 minutes agoTechnology Stocks
Computer Learning9249141981034September 3Pastimes
Technical analysis for shorts & longs573551854243 minutes agoStrategies & Market Trends
2026 TeoTwawKi ... 2032 Darkest Interr633628176984an hour agoStrategies & Market Trends
Archaeology10510566434last FridayPastimes
Natural Resource Stocks7407221879845 hours agoStrategies & Market Trends
View from the Center and Left 35935814088438 minutes agoPolitics
Wow! 484847324yesterday Pastimes
The Great Canadian Reset 44434last TuesdayPolitics
The Lightly Moderated KAMALOT Thread 44444August 11Politics
The end of Moore's law - Poet Technolo525240254last WednesdayTechnology Stocks
SPX Cycles 727249284last ThursdayStrategies & Market Trends
Zentek Ltd - ZEN 2832831096137 hours agoGold/Mining/Energy
Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Cha150150102643yesterday Technology Stocks
Income Investing 541541185833yesterday Non-Tech
Heart Attacks, Cancer and strokes. Pr46746719311135 hours agoPastimes
Ride the Tiger with CD8268141858734 hours agoStrategies & Market Trends
California - The Golden State?44333last FridayPastimes
Sioux Nation235234926533 hours agoPolitics
Canadian Political Free-for-All138136563935 hours agoPolitics
Politics for Pros- moderated57757221513136 hours agoPolitics
Microsoft Corp. - Moderated (MSFT)28528059373August 27Technology Stocks
Gold Price Monitor730707144753yesterday Gold/Mining/Energy
Laughter is the Best Medicine - Tell u132712922231193last MondayPastimes