What is the driving force behind the digital revolution and exponential growth?
Said differently, why now?
“There were 5 exabytes of information created between the dawn of civilization and 2003, but that much information is now created every two days.”
Eric Schmidt, former CEO of Google
The following timetable brings an element of credibility to Schmidt’s statement:
· Facebook’s website was launched February 4, 2004.
· YouTube was created in February 2005.
· Twitter was created in March 2006.
· Netflix introduced streaming media, to replace DVD rentals, in 2007.
· Apple introduced the iPhone on June 29, 2007.
“While the disruption is immense, so is the opportunity. The value of digital economy continues to grow in size and importance in every company in every industry. Nearly 3 billion consumers, businesses, government agencies, and institutions of every nature interact every day using computers, laptops, tablets, smartphones, and a growing range of mobile devices. The relentless speed of change of customers, markets, and technology has given rise to enormous opportunity.”
Harvard Business Review
The obvious challenge for all individual investors is, “How can any investor increase his or her wealth by discovering companies that are either enablers or on the leading-edge of this exponential growth?”
To learn more about discovering the enablers or leading-edge companies, visit my web site at: