Welcome from Humble1 I want to thank Silicon Investor for this site. Nothing said or done here by me or anyone should be construed as trading or investment advice! I am not certified or qualified as an analyst or a financial adviser. I am a private trader who tries to make money swing trading the daily SPX bars and selected equities, with help from friends.
H1&STF is for discussions about Time and Price for use in swing trading the SPX and selected equities. I consider gold and silver coins a valuable long term holding to be accumulated during sharp sell offs. All charts and discussions concerning gold and silver are welcomed.
Your posts and comments are encouraged. Whether bull or bear, they will be appreciated. Swing trading means trading in both directions.
Absolutely no foul language, or faux foul language and related acronyms, of any kind. We do not do politics (except strictly market related) or food fights or flaming.
Good Luck!
Fortuna Cornucopia

Ancient Roman amethyst intaglio of Fortuna, dated to the 1st century BCE to the 1st century CE. Found in the Hermitage Museum.

H1 Motto: In Utraque Fortuna Paratus
Astro Section
“Millionaires don't use Astrology, billionaires do.” - J.P. Morgan "As above ...

"... so below."
1) Lunar eclipses or full moons one cycle away from a lunar eclipse were always coincident to the beginning of the famous market crashes. 2) The full moon coincident to the beginning of the crash has always been within six weeks of a solar eclipse. 3) The “panic phases” of all 12 crashes Puetz studied were entirely encompassed within one of the following periods: a) February 4-April 5 b) September 3- October 29
Perspective Gallery

“All of humanity’s problems, stem from man’s inability to sit quietly in a room alone.” - Blaise Pascal
A Cup of Tea
Nan-in, a Japanese master during the Meiji era (1868-1912), received a university professor who came to inquire about Zen. Nan-in served tea. He poured his visitor's cup full, and then kept on pouring. The professor watched the overflow until he no longer could restrain himself. "It is overfull. No more will go in!" "Like this cup," Nan-in said, "you are full of your own opinions and speculations. How can I show you Zen unless you first empty your cup?" te esse hominem memento; mortalem te esse. memento mori. respice post te. nam mors indecepta!

"Don't identify with anything. Be completely empty – no one. Be no-body and see if you lose anything but delusion." Mooji

Meditative withdrawal from the day's turmoil into creative silence is not a luxury, a fad, or a futility. It dissolves mental tensions and heals negative emotions.
Most stock markets of the world exhibit a 15-18 month cycle, with an orb of three months. In the U.S., it is a 15.5-month cycle (range 13-18 months). This is a 1/3 phase of the greater 4-year cycle, which bottomed one year ago, December 26-27, 2018. Other world indices, as in Europe, have a 3-year cycle that breaks down into two 18-month phases. This 3-year cycle also bottomed December 26-27, 2018 (same in Japan, and one week later in China). A simple calculation shows that the next 15.5-month cycle in the U.S. stock market is due April 2020 +/- 3 months, whereas in Europe it is due June 2020 +/- 3 months. During that time, Venus will turn retrograde (May 13-June 25). - RM
Shorter-term, we have an interesting cosmic development approaching. On January 23-24, the new moon will square Uranus. This is an indicator of something sudden and unexpected arising that potential disrupts market trends. It involves Uranus, so it can also correspond with another “melt-up” to new all-time or multi-year highs in world stock indices if there is not a reversal. Then, January 26-28 will find Venus and Neptune conjunct in Pisces. Ah! How sweet it is to fall in love (Venus, Neptune, and Pisces are all about infatuation disguised as true love). The problem is that Mars will square these two planets, so what was thought to be a torrid love affair becomes a torn love experience. In the mundane world, this refers to agreements gone awry. One side is prone to violate the terms agreed upon or assumed (Neptune likes to assume), and the other side is not very pleased about this. That could turn the markets down for once again, the biggest risk to the markets is still the political risk.
Age of Aquarius
Which, of course, is the name of the cosmic game when Mercury turns retrograde in Pisces (confusion and uncertainty), and even more so when you have three of the five outermost planets (Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn) in Capricorn (fear), a rare phenomenon known as the “Capricorn Stellium.” This stellium will be in effect for much of 2020, finally ending around the winter solstice of December 21, 2020 when both Saturn and Jupiter ingress into Aquarius. I am sure you will be hearing a lot of talk about “The Age of Aquarius” finally beginning then. It is symbolic of the end of an era and the start of a new one, but it doesn’t happen overnight. And which era will we talking about anyway? - R. M.
The retrograde Venus of May 13 has not yet exhibited a clear case of a cycle high or low in equity markets yet, even though historically its correlation to a primary type is 80%. If we include half-primary cycles, the correlation is 91.3%. When one of these cycles fails to happen in the time surrounding Venus retrograde, it will often unfold nearby to the midpoint, which will be June 3-4 in this current case. And there is also a very high correlation to primary or greater cycles around the time that Venus turns direct (June 25 +/- 10 trading days). It will be interesting to observe the period of June 18-30, for that is when three more planets will change direction, plus the second passage of the powerful Jupiter/Pluto conjunction. That is, on June 18, Mercury will turn retrograde, followed by Neptune doing the same on June 22. Then on June 25, Venus will turn direct, and on June 30, Jupiter will conjunct Pluto. The uncertainty regarding the future of the Covid-19 pandemic and the restrictions related to it are not likely to be determined by then. Nor is the future of the economy to be clear by then, and possibly not before July 12 when Mercury turns direct, or even by July 27 when the third and final passage of the Venus/Neptune square takes place. When might we begin to see clarity – a real turning point – in regard to this pandemic? As discussed in last week’s webinar, perhaps not until after February 2021, when Neptune moves out of the orb of its opposition to the “supercharged degrees” of 15-19 Virgo, corresponding to the degrees of the 111-143-year cycle of the Uranus/Pluto conjunction in 1965-66.
6/1/20 comment
We are back to irrational exuberance that was present in 2019, and it could quite possibly devolve again into hysteria and panic when the elixir of Neptune wears off and the reality of Saturn returning back into Capricorn (July 1 through the winter solstice of December 17-21) returns for the second half of the year.
3/21/20 comment
The abundant number of long-term planetary cycle endings and beginnings involved in 2020 have different correlations to historical market cycles. If it was just one planetary cycle that we had to address, it would be relatively easy to forecast that a long-term cycle bottom or long-term cycle crest was culminating. But there are three at once: Jupiter/Saturn, Jupiter/Pluto, and Saturn/Pluto. And each has a strong correlation to different long-term market cycles. Which one will be dominant is hard to say. We could see both types of long-term cycles culminate – a long-term crest (already in) and a long-term cycle bottom. So, let me share with you one of the more optimistic possibilities, for we are now well-immersed into the chaos and fear part of the “Capricorn Stellium.” One of the emotions associated with Capricorn and its ruler Saturn is fear, and with Jupiter and Mars also involved now, another is chaos or hysteria.
My comment: With Saturn in early Aquarius, Mars in Taurus conjoins Uranus in Taurus on 1/20/21. Biden takeover of the presidency.
RM: Here's to Saturn in Aquarius, square Uranus in Taurus. May it coincide with a breakthrough discovery in science and the end to this secondary low in world stock markets, as well as a return to semblance of normalcy in societies throughout the world shortly thereafter.
note: For this week, there is a full Moon on September 2, the same day that Venus will be in opposition to Saturn. One of our basic geocosmic trading rules is that any market that is declining into a hard Venus/Saturn aspect is a candidate for a reversal and rally. Traders will want to identify those markets.
6/15 comment
In the meantime, financial markets of the world have been shaken with extraordinary volatility, first from the one-month crash off their all-time highs of February 12-20 (Mars entering Capricorn and Mercury turning retrograde), in which many indices lost close to 40% of their value. That was the sharpest decline in one month in the history of the DJIA. But then the rally that followed was one of the most impressive ever, and led to return of the “irrational exuberance” typified by transiting Jupiter, stationary, and in a square aspect to Neptune in the founding chart of the New York Stock Exchange (founded May 17, 1792). With a one-degree orb, that transit was in force as of mid-April, and just ended this week. It will return again, but not until December 2020.
The possibility of a sharp reversal in both the stock market and economy are also suggested in other charts. For instance, the Jupiter/Pluto/Saturn stellium in late Capricorn is making a T-square to the Jupiter/Neptune conjunction, opposite Saturn, in the New York Stock Exchange chart (“Buttonwood chart” of May 17, 1792). The transiting Sun joins this set up to form a Cardinal Grand Square in the next week. And in August, Mars will be squaring these same Capricorn stellium planets off and on through the end of the year. It’s like the wick of a stick of dynamic has been ignited and it may be just a matter of time before something explodes – unless someone can figure how to put the flame out first.
The “hero” in this cosmic drama may be Neptune, which is in sextile to Jupiter into mid-October, which furthermore means it can soften the blow of these other planets in hard aspect to Saturn and Pluto as well.
So, how does Neptune put out the threat of an explosion? Through behaviors that are the opposite of the fiery Sun and Mars triggering the Capricorn stellium planets. This will be interesting, because the explosion is more likely when the leader (Sun and Mars) loses control and threatens all those around him. The threat of an explosion is reduced when the leader exhibits Neptunian qualities, which include empathy, understanding, graciousness, and gentleness. These are not the defining qualities of the President, especially when he is under attack and fighting off one investigation after another. It looks like this will be a very difficult election season for Mr. Trump. All Joe Biden has to do is appear calm, understanding, and present himself as a unifier, someone who won’t add to the divisiveness of this country. Contrary to the comments of most political pundits, he may not have to have a plan or exhibit any great vision of what he will do in office. All he has to do is exhibit a contrast in character. Unlike in the past, I don’t think this election will be as much about the economy as people think. Nor will it be about policies and platforms. It may be more about the stress of the collective and who can reduce it. That’s what Mars in Aries, square to Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn suggests. No stress, no loss.
But back to the markets. This is an important week astrologically. In fact, it is important for the next two weeks. Longer-term we are now also in a Martian period as of June 27 (Mars in Aries). It will be very active once it starts its square to the Capricorn stellium planets on August 4, which will remain in effect through the end of the year. With Mars, you get a lot of action and price movement in financial markets. As a trader, you are going to love this type of activity. There are likely to be many sharp moves that will transpire. The cosmos will give us a glimpse of that over these next ten days. This is a favorable time to those who like action, but a dangerous time to those who are reckless.
Wave-C Astro: RM: 6/22
This concern is further stoked by the realization that Saturn is now retrograde and will move back into Capricorn on July 1. It had moved out of Capricorn on March 22, which was during the peak of the recent panic. It returns to Capricorn July 1-December 17, covering the same sector of the heavens that it occupied from early February through March 21 – the period of the recent stock market collapse. When planets return to the sector they recently passed through, we oftentimes see human activity repeat similar conditions that were present then. It is a form of symmetry in the cosmos, which mundane astrologers pay great attention to.
Chart Gallery

and: 1990 -> 2009

 I can count a huge "abcde" off of the 1/26/18 high. The "e" wave is the "crash wave with news" in H1 Wave. And it certainly was!


On the Watch List: 12/24/20 High

5/14/20 = pt. 14
10/3/19 + 224 = 5/14/20 5/14/20 + 224 = 12/24/20 Thursday: Christmas Eve
3/23/20 Low = Mars c Pluto 12/24/20 High? = Mars sq Pluto 5/14/20 = Venus -> R

9/30/20 Scenario and October 2020 Disaster!!!!!
Mars squares Saturn -> Direct in the Capricorn Stellium on a Full Moon Eve
See Wave-C Astro in "Astro"
First presidential debate is in 9/29, when I expect Biden to demolish 45. Leading to a huge, and not corporate friendly, Blue Wave.
9/30/20 is 10/3/19 + [1.618 x 224 (2/9/18 -> 9/21/18) = 363].
10/1/20 is 2/19 + 225, a full moon
10/15 is second debate and on a new moon lunar 8/28
10/1 is 6/8 (spx high) + 115 (71 x 1.618) huge astrodate 12/21 is 10/1 + 81
There is an intervening perfect C = 1.618 A:
A: 9/21/18 -> 12/26/18 = 96 96 x 1.618 = 155 96/.764 = 126
B: 12/26/18 -> 5/1/19 = 126 .764, or 2 x .382, connection to A
C: 5/1/19 + 155 = 10/3/19 1.618 connection to A
The total = Fibo # 377.
2/19 + 112 = 6/10 (nas high) + 112 = GL224 = 9/30 = HHL
363 x .618 = GL 224 10/3/19 + GL 224 = 5/14/20 This calculation ties both scenarios together into AstroDate 5/14/20!
This on a f29 hitting on election high anxiety October 2020.
Venus Station = 5/14/20
10/3/19 -> 2/19/20 = 139 139 x 1.618 = 224 2/19/20 + 224 = 9/30/20
Jim Reid and team of DBK have been busy trying to figure out the next big tail risk. Conclusion;
"The main takeaway is that there’s a one-in-three chance that the next decade will see at least one of a major flu pandemic killing more than 2m people; a globally catastrophic volcanic eruption; a major solar flare; and a global war. So some pretty striking stuff."
AstroDate 3/23/20 + 225 c-days = 11/3/20
Something weird/interesting/fun: the 225 c-day cycle, also the Lindsay bottom-top 3 Peaks + Domed house, hits on 11/3, election day! What could this mean? Market happy enough with Biden or Pence (maybe Trump)?

Hurlburt's hot sentiment can last for a long time while the advance continues. Sharp turndown is the sell:

P/C's on 6/5 close
Message 32772822


1930's in red

How do you fix this in this COVID world with declining margins and demand:

 The Jupiter/Pluto conjunction has an even higher correlation to primary cycles (high or low) in the U.S. stock market than Venus direct. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
11/15/20 Scenario
3393->3233= 160 6/8 + 160 = 11/15 2/19->11/15 = 270 // 2/19->6/8 = 110 // 270/110 = 1.732 x 1.414 11/15 = Ve/s/Jupiter+Pluto, Ve "translates" the Jupiter/Pluto conjunction (11/12) // Mars->D (11/14) New Moon (11/15) Election Resolution?
7/28/20 Scenario:
3393->3233 = 160 (an H1 Time/Price Triangle) 2/19 + 160 = 7/28 7/28 = Ve/s/Nep See events: FOMC 7/29 and Furlough Cliff 7/31 = High Anxiety Window
8/4 and 9/30
War is coming! It could be more than a trade war this time.
Saturn moved into Capricorn from Aquarius and is there during the Mars/s/Jupiter (8/4) and Mars/c/Saturn (9/30) aspects:
How loud? Well, quite loud now as Mars has ingressed into Aries last week (June 27) where it will continue through January 6, 2021. Mars rules Aries, and both share the principle of “action” and/or “aggression.” Both have rulership over wars, disputes, and the possibility of military and/or political confrontations. This is the cosmic reason why we forecast a very nasty and combative election season in the U.S. Mars usually remains in a sign for about six weeks, but it will be in Aries much longer this time because it turns retrograde on September 9. During this period, it will form a waxing square aspect to the Jupiter/Saturn/Pluto stellium in Capricorn three times.
The waxing square is the first quarter cycle of the greater cycle that started with the conjunction of these four planets March 20-31, 2020, a time that coincided with the peak of the coronavirus panic. As the first quarter cycle phase approaches, we see this fear, or hysteria, starting to build again. The concern is that the world stock markets could also have a flashback to the time that that the cycle started in March, especially since Saturn is also now ingressing back into Capricorn, July 1-December 17, after having spent just a short time in Aquarius since March 21. It is as if we have some unfinished business to take care from the last two weeks of March 2020.
The good news is that we will likely take care of that unfinished business this time. For after all, this is a waxing square, the first quarter phase of the Mars cycle to Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn. Waxing squares, like waning squares, coincide with crises. But unlike waning squares, the waning square usually resolves the crisis and continues its forward momentum. It is a crisis in action, a threat to the status quo, but it not usually a crisis in survival. It requires a change in approach or direction, but it doesn’t require the termination of that direction. In other words, we may have a dispute or uncomfortable confrontation, but it doesn’t have to lead to a war or a revolution. Not this year, anyway. - RM
8/24/20: Mars in Aries Squares Saturn in Capricorn // 7/13 + 42 // Monday // RNC Convention
3/23/20 -> 11/2/20 = 224 = 11/2/20 -> 6/14/21 = 224 = Saturn Square Uranus = LHL? or LHL? or LLH?
RM mentions:
The 2021 Saturn/Uranus square is especially interesting because these two planets were also in square aspect to one another in 1999-2000, but in exactly the opposite signs: Saturn was in Taurus and Uranus was in Aquarius. In 2021, that will be reversed.
and again ...
It would be totally naive to think that we live in safe times right now, or to believe that everything is under control. It’s not. From the cosmic perspective Saturn rules law and order. It can be very authoritarian and repressive on the one hand, or very responsible, goal-oriented, and just on the other. But it has been in Aquarius, March 21-July 1, 2020, and it will return there December 17, 2020 through March 7, 2023. Aquarius is the sign that values independence, freedom, and revolutionary thought or activity. Uranus is the planet that rules Aquarius, so in a square aspect from Saturn (authority), it is apt to be in conflict with Uranus, which seeks freedom and abhors repression and authoritarianism. The combination may result in the path of least resistance as not just protests, but radical demands for change that can turn violent. Thus, the threat to life is not likely to be solely or even mostly about the COVID-19 virus as time progresses, but more upon the threat to civil order and the potential for violence.
From 8/10 freebie:
It’s wild and it’s not likely to get calm anytime soon. The fiery Mars is in fiery Aries, its ruling sign, and beginning a 3-week transit in hard aspect to the Capricorn stellium planets of Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn, August 4-24. This week, August 13, we get the middle of this combustible combination when Mars squares Pluto, an aspect that can make people “mad as hell” and proclaim they “aren’t going to take this anymore.” It doesn’t get any calmer when Uranus turns retrograde in Taurus two days later on August 15. It is like turning the pressure up to maximum intensity where one’s enemies, and one’s personal frustrations are highly inflammable. Literally, there may be wildfires, explosions, threats to the environment, crops, and human lives.
Actually, it doesn’t really end in three weeks, because Mars will turn retrograde and do it all over again September 29-October 19. Mars in its ruling sign is usually a strong positive for the world, but the square to Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn is a major challenge. However, when Mars goes retrograde in its ruling sign (September 9-November 13), the assertive nature of Mars in its ruling sign can turn to aggression and war-like rhetoric or behavior. The temperature in the room may become unbearable if controls on one’s basic impulses are not implemented. If not checked, this can be a recipe for destruction or self-destruction. Under retrograde Mars, the aggressor is usually the loser.
How might this affect the world of financial markets? You already see it with precious metals, Bitcoin, and currencies. The political environment is wild and easily inflamed, driving investors to take cover. The stock market is holding on well enough in the midst of this developing inferno, but it could break at any moment, and especially September 29-October 19, if not even sometime this month.
