Welcome from Humble1 I want to thank Silicon Investor for this site. Nothing said or done here by me or anyone should be construed as trading or investment advice! I am not certified or qualified as an analyst or a financial adviser. I am a private trader who tries to make money swing trading the daily SPX bars and selected equities, with help from friends.
H1&STF is for discussions about Time and Price for use in swing trading the SPX and selected equities. I consider gold and silver coins a valuable long term holding to be accumulated during sharp sell offs. All charts and discussions concerning gold and silver are welcomed.
Your posts and comments are encouraged. Whether bull or bear, they will be appreciated. Swing trading means trading in both directions.
Absolutely no foul language, or faux foul language and related acronyms, of any kind.
Good Luck!
Fortuna Cornucopia

H1 Motto: In Utraque Fortuna Paratus
Astro Section
"As above ...

"... so below."
Some Merriman dates from his free site:
Shorter-term, we are focused on the transits unfolding April 7-18. These include the new moon in Aries on April 15, the same day that Mercury turns direct, and one day before heliocentric Mercury enters Sagittarius (April 16-27). The next two days will also find Saturn turning retrograde and the Sun conjunct Uranus for the last time in Aries. We would like to think that things will cool down, become more calm and mature, now that Mercury is about to end its retrograde trickery, but these transits suggest that will not be the case just yet. In fact, matters may not slow down and rhetoric may not return to a semblance of respect, until the mid-term elections are over, because Mars will enter a central time band that involves three passages in a square aspect to Uranus, due to the retrograde of Mars. This Mars/Uranus climate of chaos may extend from May 16 through September 18.
There is some hope for peace and relaxation too this summer, for Jupiter will complete its final two passages of a trine to Neptune on May 25 and August 19. It is a very strange spring and summer season, with cross currents between the psychotic chaos of Mars square Uranus, and the peaceful, gentle nature of Jupiter trine Neptune. I suspect stock markets will reflect these contradictory dynamics in kind, with a major cycle trough first, followed by another powerful rally into late summer, early fall – and then the show may be over. Chart Gallery


Perspective Gallery
A Cup of Tea
Nan-in, a Japanese master during the Meiji era (1868-1912), received a university professor who came to inquire about Zen. Nan-in served tea. He poured his visitor's cup full, and then kept on pouring. The professor watched the overflow until he no longer could restrain himself. "It is overfull. No more will go in!" "Like this cup," Nan-in said, "you are full of your own opinions and speculations. How can I show you Zen unless you first empty your cup?" te esse hominem memento; mortalem te esse. memento mori. respice post te. nam mors indecepta!

The Mars c Pluto AstroBeast Strikes on 4/26-4/27: SPX 3000?
We now have a 90 c-day High-High-High? set-up which targets 4/26 from the 1/27 Time High (the Saturday after the Hobson close on 1/26) : 1/27 -> 3/13 = 45. 3/13 + 45 = 4/26/18.
4/26/18 is the 8 year cycle from the 2010 key high. It is the 1.272 (root/phi) extension of the 3/1/17->1/26/18 331 c-day Time Segment, which defined the parabolic blow-off. It also happens to be a direct hit on an aspect known as The Beast, Mars c Pluto.
There is a Price/Time nexus which just happens to hit right into this window:
Look at the Trend Line from 3/1/17->1/26/18. It defined the parabolic into the 2873 high. That Trend Line hits SPX 3000 right in the 4/26-4/27 window! And it would make a beautiful "W" pattern, too.

