Welcome from Humble1 I want to thank Silicon Investor for this site. Nothing said or done here by me or anyone should be construed as trading or investment advice! I am not certified or qualified as an analyst or a financial adviser. I am a private trader who tries to make money swing trading the daily SPX bars and selected equities, with help from friends.
H1&STF is for discussions about Time and Price for use in swing trading the SPX and selected equities. I consider gold and silver coins a valuable long term holding to be accumulated during sharp sell offs. All charts and discussions concerning gold and silver are welcomed.
Your posts and comments are encouraged. Whether bull or bear, they will be appreciated. Swing trading means trading in both directions.
Absolutely no foul language, or faux foul language and related acronyms, of any kind. We do not do politics (except strictly market related) or food fights.
Good Luck!
Fortuna Cornucopia

H1 Motto: In Utraque Fortuna Paratus
Astro Section
“Millionaires don't use Astrology, billionaires do.” - J.P. Morgan "As above ...

"... so below."
Astro Gallery
The cosmic emphasis upon Jupiter and Neptune last week was a preview of what to expect for most of 2019, when Jupiter will make its waning square to Neptune three times, starting in mid-January.
This is one of the classical bankruptcy signatures in Financial Astrology, a time when people, as well as counties and companies, are prone to become too careless with monies, spending far more than they can afford. It is a time of over-optimistic hopes and dreams, most of which are not realistic. It is a combination of comedy and tragedy, because on the one hand, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn, with the eclipse coming up in Capricorn in early January, portends the resolution to be disciplined and careful in finances. But then, on the other hand, Jupiter square Neptune looks at that shiny new car, that sparkling new piece of jewelry, and suddenly out goes that promised practicality and commitment to build one’s bank account. Out the window it goes for the fulfillment of an urge for immediate gratification. And then the bill comes due and you ask: “What was I thinking?” That’s the problem. You weren’t thinking. You were wishing upon a star, convincing yourself that you deserved this. Instead, you deserved a credit downgrade. I speak as if it is personal, but this is not just an individual problem. It is a problem with many governments that we are likely to see explode next year with Jupiter square Neptune. And that’s just the setup for the Capricorn Stellium that follows in 2020. If Jupiter in Sagittarius was overconfident and positive in 2018-2019, then Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto converging in Capricorn right afterwards can be downright worried and pessimistic, unless it has planned well for this period. After all, in recessions and downturns, great bargains are possible for those who have cash.
The major challenge for Financial Astrologers is to determine whether the 2019 Jupiter/Neptune waning square will be the start of a real financial panic, or if this downturn will suddenly reverse and witness a huge rally and a “bubble” in stock prices. With Jupiter and Neptune, it can either be “irrational exuberance,” to borrow a phrase from former Fed Chair Alan Greenspan, or hysteria and panic where people lose all sense of control and faith in their leaders. Right now, it looks more like the latter is happening. But I would not give up on Jupiter in Sagittarius just yet. After all, historically, it is one of the strongest planet-sign combinations correlating to strong rallies in global equities before it is over. Of course, you can have a steep selloff first, after which rallies can look very impressive. But generally speaking, the stock market makes longer-term cycle highs with Jupiter in Sagittarius (November 8, 2018-December 2, 2019), and then the air escapes out of the bubble as Jupiter advances into Capricorn-Aquarius (2020-2021). What went up must come down. - from Ray Merriman's free 12/10/18.
More from RM:
All of this precedes the first of three passages of the Jupiter/Neptune square on January 13, the dominant major aspect involving the outer planets in force in 2019. As described in greater detail in the Forecast 2019 Book, this aspect is the “setup” for the powerful “Capricorn Stellium” that will unfold December 2019 through December 2020. It pertains to irrational exuberance, complacency, and/or hysteria and panic. I would say we are collectively experiencing a combination back and forth between complacency and hysteria right now as we head into the first encounter, and the markets are reflecting this.
Perspective Gallery
gratus animus est una virtus non solum maxima,
sed etiam mater virtutum omnium reliquarum. – cicero

A Cup of Tea
Nan-in, a Japanese master during the Meiji era (1868-1912), received a university professor who came to inquire about Zen. Nan-in served tea. He poured his visitor's cup full, and then kept on pouring. The professor watched the overflow until he no longer could restrain himself. "It is overfull. No more will go in!" "Like this cup," Nan-in said, "you are full of your own opinions and speculations. How can I show you Zen unless you first empty your cup?" te esse hominem memento; mortalem te esse. memento mori. respice post te. nam mors indecepta!


How big could that SPX 2941 top print have been?
Use your charts and ponder these hits (all, tm: H1):
422 -> 1553 = 1131
(422 was the april 1994 low and the start of the huge bull)
1810 + 1131 = 2941
769 -> 1576 = 807
2134 + 807 = 2941
(this is a market structure bryce gilmore folddown at the 1576-> 2134 midpoint)
666 -> 1369 = 703
703 x 3.236 = 2295
666 + 2295 = 2941
(3.236 = 2 x 1.618, appropriate extender for a huge bull)
1074 + 1867 = 2941
(additives from important pivots are not unusual. weird, yes.)
666 -> 1369 = 703
703 x 1.618 = 1137
1810 + 1137 = 2947
( 2941 was just 6 points shy of a perfect wave5 = 1.618 x wave1)
Chart Gallery
