Full Disclosure Trading I was drafted by a group of traders from the AMAT thread to start this thread to encourage real time reporting of trades so others can learn by observation.
Reporting format example: opening post: AMAT DT bot 1000 @ 52.94 9:43am [optional: brief reason like "momentum reversed", "Fed increased rates"] closing post: AMAT DT sold 1000 @ 53.80 10:00am 1.62%
DT= day trade ST= more than a day, no more than a week. MT= more than a week to 3 months SS= short sale CS= short cover
options format: AMAT BO Jul $18 C 30@$1.25 (bought 30 contracts of July calls for $1.25, strike price = $18)
BO=bot to open; BC=bot to close; SO=sold to open; SC=sold to close
time of trade only if materially different from time stamp of posting. the % is the gain before commissions and taxes.
Trade info should be ONE line. That way those wanting to see 40 posts at a time, can.
All who restrict themselves to reporting of their trades in a civil manner are welcome. Complaints from 3 thread users can lead to suspension of a poster. |