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Spokane (SKN.V) Discovers Second Zone!!
An SI Board Since October 1996
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36 1 0 SKN
Emcee:  Doug McFaul Type:  Unmoderated
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36 Thanks Pierre, I dearly hope so, I have not been a very good investor, as yet,tMe-myself-I-6/8/1997
35 Patience Paul... Spokane will most likely see $ 2.00 or better within 12 monthPierre J. LeBel-6/7/1997
34 Anyone know what happened to this stock yesterday? It`s bid is at 0.36!!!! yikMe-myself-I-6/3/1997
33 Spoke with IR. They are preparing for a listing on the TSE, that's good newJohn Soileau-5/25/1997
32 Hi John. They might just be putting the results in with the rest of the analysiDoug McFaul-5/14/1997
31 Doug, is it an unusual delay that we don't have the Feb-March drill resultsJohn Soileau-5/13/1997
30 Hi Pierre, Sometimes I don't know what to think, I would just like SKN to Doug McFaul-5/13/1997
29 Hi Doug, I realize that you no longer work for Spokane still, you certainly haPierre J. LeBel-5/10/1997
28 Hi John, I know what you mean. All we know is that they are drilling and as thDoug McFaul-4/7/1997
27 To keep this thread alive.John Soileau-4/3/1997
26 Wish they had more and faster drill activity, but that's the way it is. ThJohn Soileau-3/3/1997
25 This is one lonely thread,huh? The resource estimate looks like a confirmation Laser-3/1/1997
24 Here's text of PR dated Feb. 26/97: A Geostatistical Resource Estimate forKen Hillcoff-2/26/1997
23 John, I'm still waiting for the new resource calculation. I sold my pLaser-2/11/1997
22 Thanks Leonard, I didn't know about this--although Doug McFaul (of Tandem CJohn Soileau-2/10/1997
21 John, You may already be aware of this but it looks like Spokane has a neLaser-2/10/1997
20 They Better!! That is the plan according to management.Doug McFaul-1/15/1997
19 Thanks Doug. Will they release the resource estimate to the public?John Soileau-1/13/1997
18 Spokane management has told us that they are inputting all the data from the drDoug McFaul-1/13/1997
17 Doug,have they started the 25 hole program yet? If so, when will results be annJohn Soileau-1/9/1997
16 The drill results announced from the east contact of the Camp Zone are good resDoug McFaul-12/18/1996
15 I take it the press release is bad news? Market seems to think so. How long wilJohn Soileau-12/17/1996
14 Actually John, the drilling has been shut down until January. What the company Doug McFaul-12/11/1996
13 Nice little 10% move today. Wonder how the drilling is going.John Soileau-12/10/1996
12 Hi John. The company did not put out the exact numbers from the 3 holes in the Doug McFaul-12/4/1996
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