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Microcap & Penny Stocks
MLSC Blood decontaminant recieves patent!!!
An SI Board Since October 1996
Posts SubjectMarks Bans Symbol
196 4 0 MLSC
Emcee:  Cindy Powell Type:  Unmoderated

The company just announced allowance from FDA and patent for MDI-P sterilizing agent as a blood decontaminant! With a market of well over $1 billion the blood sterilization industry offers tremendous opportunity. The current NOA "relates to the use of MDL-P to sterilize or inactivate infectious agents such as hepatitis or the AIDS virus that may be present in blood or fractionated blood products." Medical Discoveries is a developemental stage biotechnology company focused on commercialization of certain antibiotic and antiviral technologies and agents, including process and equipment for the rapid sterilization of dental, veterinary and medical instruments.

This one looks good guys! Call the company at (801) 273-7388
and check out news on Reuters and Investools.

Best of Luck to all,

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196The company has been bought by what is now a publicaly available- Redox SupplemeEllen Sokolow-8/17/2015
195Wow, what happened to this company? Stopped watching it a few months ago ... noEye-6/29/2001
194Ninth MDI Patent Expands Security of Basic Technology SALT LAKE CITY, March 28 Cindy Powell-3/31/2001
193Medical Discoveries, Inc. Receives Eighth Patent SALT LAKE CITY, Jan. 10 /PRNewsCindy Powell-1/17/2001
192Study Validates Microbicidal Effectiveness of Medical Discoveries, Inc. Novel DrCindy Powell-1/17/2001
191You are wise to shun the pennies and just be a watcher. MLSC has been one of my Cindy Powell-1/17/2001
190It's been quite an educational experience watching this the past couple yearEye-1/12/2001
189Howdy folks, MLSC Receives $500,000 in Funding. I'm still holding my sharesCindy Powell-11/29/2000
188 Still holding MLSC guys and gals. Maybe a mistake and in retrospect I should-aCindy Powell-3/28/2000
187 So are you going for the gusto with MLSC, P.S.N.? I have always believed in thiCindy Powell-3/16/2000
186 Cindy, thanks for the INFO looks good. :-) PSNP.S.N.-3/16/2000
184 Greetings P.S.N. and everyone following Medical Discoveries, I was able to getCindy Powell-3/1/2000
183 Thanks Cindy, look forward to hearing what ever you find out about this one. PSP.S.N.-2/29/2000
182 Hello P.S.N., I haven't been able to get through to Medical Discoveries sCindy Powell-2/29/2000
181 Cindy, looking forward to hearing what you find out from your call. PSNP.S.N.-2/28/2000
180 Holy smokes, I put MLSC on my back burner and haven't kept up with it much,Cindy Powell-2/25/2000
179 Anybody still in this stock? Looking for someone to help fill me in on this comP.S.N.-2/19/2000
178 May 17, 1999 MEDICAL DISCOVERIES INC (MLSC) Quarterly Report (SEC form 10QSB)Cindy Powell-5/17/1999
177 You may be right, Baruch, but they are broadening their horizons with the hope Cindy Powell-4/19/1999
176 Annual Report: I think we need a better marketing campaign for Zencone-4/16/1999
175 Medical Discoveries, Inc. Announces Major International Distribution AgreementZencone-2/23/1999
174 News! Medical Discoveries, Inc. Enters $3 Billion Scar Treatment Market LAYTONCindy Powell-1/14/1999
173 Ok now lets watch this puppy run!! I forgot i even bought the stock back in OctJimmy Nicholson-12/29/1998
172 Greetings all, Medical Discoveries announcing a "Research Support AgreemCindy Powell-12/29/1998
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