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Technology Stocks
An SI Board Since October 1996
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62 0 0 USSB
Emcee:  Ken Conaway Type:  Unmoderated
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62 Earnings are out....
61 Check this press release out; could be a significant player in DBS; FTRK just sSirAlexx-2/1/1998
60 DBS/DTH Subscriber Counts: skyreport.comRobert Utne-1/16/1998
59 Why USSB may be a great buy: 1. USSB has a market value of about $450 per custRobert Utne-1/16/1998
58 Look at FTRK..they have a tracking device that is programmed for USSB, Direct TSirAlexx-11/4/1997
57 So how often have you been down? Can you get quotes during a major thunderstorMike Hagerty-10/20/1997
56 I've just stumbled into this thread looked back 20 posts thot I'd offedale w ruckle-10/20/1997
54 Thanks for all the info!! So, in your opinion, does it seem that your connectiMike Hagerty-10/14/1997
53 Mike, first let me prefice this by saying I don't own a Satellite Net connegreenspirit-10/13/1997
52 Thanks for the info. I currently have cable modem from Bellsouth but there havMike Hagerty-10/13/1997
51 Mike, I would say there is definetly room for discussion about that topic. Todagreenspirit-10/10/1997
50 Is a satelite feed for real time quotes clearly, hands down, superior to internMike Hagerty-10/10/1997
49 Michael, thanks for Your analysis. There's another factor, I just thought oCrossy-10/10/1997
48 Crossy, exactly the reason I got in to this stock too. Here's the way I seegreenspirit-10/10/1997
47 Reginald & ALL, in my opinion, USSB is a clear candidate having completed iCrossy-10/9/1997
46 Some interesting posts on AOL Motley Fool. All positive.Reginald Atherton-10/9/1997
45 if i knew i wouldn't have sold too early. i can't find either!pat w.-10/6/1997
44 Can anyone please explain what the deal with this recent runup in price is all Blake Thompson-10/6/1997
43 does anyone know, anything about the relation of ussb and dow jones (nyse dj) ?pat w.-10/3/1997
42 Your not the only Fool - Looks like a few other fools are paying attention todTom Duescher-10/3/1997
41 Michael - like you, I'm interested in a Sat play. Have you learned anythingPeterR1700-9/28/1997
40 Buck - my first time on this thread. I'm interested in Sat stocks, specificPeterR1700-9/28/1997
39 Buck, thanks for your thoughts. I agree with your asessment also. It seems to mgreenspirit-9/15/1997
38 I have 1625 shares of this stock and needless to say it has been dissappointingBuck-9/15/1997
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