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Laughter is the Best Medicine - Tell us a joke
An SI Board Since September 1996
Posts SubjectMarks Bans
62341 1329 1
Emcee:  JimisJim Type:  Moderated
***** Be nice. *****
I love jokes.
Some times I don't get them, but that's OK... everyone has different opinions about what is funny... the ban on politics is from the original board here and requested by SI -- and let's face it, these days politics tend to be quite divisive -- people think some political jokes that slam "the other side" are funny and everyone else is offended and flaming ensues... so let's just try to remember that if you really want to post political material, there are literally dozens and dozens of boards dedicated to that already... let's have one board that is all about fun and laughter only and leave the contentiousness behind on all the other boards set up for partisan politics.
If it's pornographic to the point that it is something you wouldn't want your mom, wife or daughter to see, knowing that you posted it, it's probably not appropriate to post here.

Note, this doesn't mean dirty jokes are not allowed, just be "clean" about it, i.e., no nude/porno pics or vids like from Pornhub, etc... we've had many many jokes here with nudity, but were not pornographic, i.e. explicitly showing intercourse or something similar with genitallia and all... and to put a finer point on it, I can imagine jokes about all sorts of sex acts, but as long as the pics and words are not outright pornographic? Think of cartoons/panels that are sexual in nature, but not in your face pornographic.

Also, someone PM'd me saying I banned over a MSFT/AAPL joke... not true, to my knowledge... in fact, jokes about AAPL and Windows are perfectly fine as far as I'm concerned -- I've made a lot of money off both of them and used products from both to earn a living... I was wrong, I didn't ban anyone for it but I warned them. Even I think the moderator (me) at that time went way over board -- I plead temporary insanity during the transition between no moderation here and a full time one and didn't seem like anyone agreed or liked what I was doing to try to make the board more civil and a LOT less political -- all of the rest is really just following the general SI policies.
This is not a joke discussion board. It is a "bulletin board" where people can "pin" their jokes (post them) and others can read the bulletin board. If you feel the need to discuss the jokes/posts, please do it via PM.
I try to give people the benefit of the doubt... personal attacks are not funny and not cool and I'm obliged to crack down on the attackers -- I try to handle that via PM, but will temporarily ban people who don't cooperate with the intent of this board: tell some jokes and make us laugh...
Any questions/problems? PM me... -- you can PM me anything and I respond to every PM...
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ReplyMessage PreviewFromRecsPosted
62341[graphic]SI Ron (Crazy Music Man)8last Friday
62340[graphic]Joachim K5last Sunday
62339lol, Talking heads lyrics.SI Ron (Crazy Music Man)-January 31
62338How they met.. [graphic]IC7205January 31
62337Here's your humorous tour of the international markets. Please reply to thatSun Tzu-January 23
62336I've built a snarky Chatbot to make fun of the market news. Below is the firSun Tzu1January 21
62335Brian O'Driscoll press conference tomato [youtube video]Goose941January 18
62334What an interesting mirror!The Rabbit4January 16
62333[graphic] A man was sitting on the edge of the bed, watching his wife as she gaJeffrey S. Mitchell6January 15
62332instagram.comBroken_Clock1January 13
62331you caught me with the 56 chef photo.John Carragher2January 13
62330It was only there twice.SI Ron (Crazy Music Man)1January 13
62329Ron? And just where may I find a 1950's Delorean? That would have to be tChartgod2January 13
62328Reminds me of Doc Brown.SI Ron (Crazy Music Man)1January 13
62327That photo reminds me of "A burger, fries, a shake, and change for a dollacandsrr1January 13
62326[graphic]SI Ron (Crazy Music Man)3January 13
62325Mary McAllister, a hardworking maid from the small village of Aberfeldy, had jusSun Tzu9January 4
62324[youtube video] - JeffJeffrey S. Mitchell4January 1
62323These are Canadian preppers. This is the main commodity when a disaster strikesSI Ron (Crazy Music Man)112/31/2024
62322Life is a marathon, not a sprint. Most people don't have what it takes to slSun Tzu-12/30/2024
62321Hmm, it's easier to be a sport spectator than doing your math homework or dySavant-12/30/2024
62320Ronny Chieng accurately describes the deindustrialization of the U.S. via its gSun Tzu412/30/2024
62318[X] One of the funniest act I’ve seen on AGT. 😂😂— J.B.C.912/29/2024
62317Cold turkey lolSI Ron (Crazy Music Man)-12/27/2024
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