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Technology Stocks
VLSI Technology - Waiting for good news from NASDAQ !!!
An SI Board Since August 1996
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6565 16 0 VLSI
Emcee:  Michel Eftimakis Type:  Unmoderated
This is a new thread !!!
(Less pessimistic than the old "VLSI, how low can it go ???")

So, it's time to post your impressions ! You've had enough holidays...
It's time to say what will draw the share price up !!! (and when you
think it will occur)

I personnally bet on November for a rebound...

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6565 I received my $ 21 on 7-29-99 and thanks VLSI! So long folks! Ram Seetharaman-7/30/1999
6564 R.I.P.Maui Jim-7/27/1999
6563 It will take time. Dang regulatory crap. Joe PTG&LI !!! Joe Copia-6/30/1999
6562 > Every shareholder received $21 / share and the end result is > cash inDaniel-6/30/1999
6561 VLSI is no longer. Every shareholder received $21 / share and the end result iJoe Copia-6/30/1999
6560 did you find out the new ticker symbol for vlsi? Please let me know. thanks kendal lee-6/30/1999
6559 Come on over to the AFCI board, everyone. Greger-6/25/1999
6558 they haven't yet paid me on my July options. fwiw schlep ps- go afci schlep-6/25/1999
6557 VLSI . what is the new ticker? Looks like it stopped trading on 6/22 Joe Copia-6/25/1999
6556 Are you out of VLSI now? Come on over to AFCI. Going is getting very good! Greger-6/25/1999
6555 When was the last trading day of VLSI. VLSI is not listed anymore on Yahoo quoXpiderman-6/24/1999
6554 OT - different stocks, ditto Maui Jim-6/16/1999
6553 Hi Jim, Thanks. I'm still having fun in the market - even without VLSI. VTSOldAIMGuy-6/16/1999
6552 OT - DVDs are gaining ground, and recordable DVDs soon. Meanwhile VCRs will coMaui Jim-6/16/1999
6551 Hi Jim, does this mean that DVD now temporarily "owns" the market? ItOldAIMGuy-6/16/1999
6550 DIVX plug pulled - This might have affected VLSI before the buyout. Not totallMaui Jim-6/16/1999
6549 You will get $21 even if you didn't tender your shares. Philips is buying eRam Seetharaman-6/9/1999
6548 What will happen to un-tendered shares... or is that what you were talking abouSpikey_Mikey-6/9/1999
6547 What is the finalization date of the tender offer? July 1 or is it after that?Linda Kaplan-6/8/1999
6546 It will about two weeks after the tender offer is finalized. You will be paid $Ram Seetharaman-6/8/1999
6545 the bid and ask on vlsi dropped during the trading day today. does that mean tLinda Kaplan-6/8/1999
6544 Hi, Dan. I believe that has been broken most of the time lately and Linda Kaplan-6/7/1999
6543 Linda, I'll add to the anomaly. As of the close, shows 4DanZ-6/7/1999
6542 I think is wrong. They've been TOTALLY unreliable lately. If youLinda Kaplan-6/7/1999
6541 No idea here. I show around 20,000 volume. Maybe it some sort of premarket/afteBWAC-6/7/1999
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