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Technology Stocks
Apple Inc.
An SI Board Since June 1996
Posts SubjectMarks Bans Symbol
213120 942 6 AAPL
Emcee:  clean86 Type:  Moderated
Welcome to the Apple Inc. board on SI. This thread is moderated. If you wish to participate here, please read at least the first two sections below.


The basic rule is that all participants must be polite to each other. Try to imagine that you are sitting in a living room with everyone else. Don't say anything you wouldn't say in that situation.

No name calling. Disagree with another person's words all you want, but don't insult the person.

Due to SI policy, political comments are off limits here, unless there is an issue that specifically affects Apple. See below for a bit more about this if you care.

It's all about having a civil discussion. And hey, let's be careful out there.

You've now read the rules. If you want to know what happens if you violate them, see "BANS," below.


Off-topic posts are OK, unless they violate the rules as laid out above. We request that you put "OT" at the top of any posts that aren't related to Apple, its stock, or its competitors. Forgetting to use OT is not an offense that will get you banned. It will just make others shun you. ;-)

Please keep in mind that this forum is here to help people make better decisions about whether or not to invest in AAPL. But there is a kind of a collegial, dinner party atmosphere, and we do go off the reservation quite a bit.


Violators of the rules will usually receive a warning, and a second offense will probably result in a ban. In the case of especially egregious violations, a ban may come without warning.

When warranted, a ban may be imposed for being a general nuisance and/or generally disrupting civil discourse.

If you have been banned, but would like to be reinstated as a thread participant, it's simple, really. Send me a PM, agreeing to abide by the rules henceforth. The reinstatement will be conditional for ninety days, during which time the ban will be reinstated without warning if there are new infractions.

The above notwithstanding, the moderator reserves the right to keep a ban in place despite the user's request to have it rescinded, on a case by case basis.

All decisions about bans are made by the moderator, who serves at the pleasure of the participants of the thread. You may feel free to provide public or private feedback, which may or may not be heeded.

Fleshing out the anti-politics policy

Having conferred with Brad via PM, I want to clarify this board's policy with respect to political discussions.

If a political issue affects Apple as a company more than it would most companies, it's fair game for discussion here. A hypothetical example would be if Congress were debating a bill that would make it illegal for anyone to download any media file to more than one device. Clearly, Apple would be affected a lot more by the outcome of such a debate than would, say, IBM, Dell, HP, etc.

If a political issue affects the macro economy in some way, but doesn't affect Apple any more than it would any other company, it is not a topic for discussion here.
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ReplyMessage PreviewFromRecsPosted
213120Big move in Apple stock probably related to AI deal with Alibaba usatoday.comNAG11February 11
213119Lots of uncertainty in the markets right now. Especially with tech and with ApplNAG11February 5
213118For those here who like voodoo, eh, I mean charts and waves and patterns and canStock Puppy1February 1
213117This is the quote. Yes, sure. If you look at our Greater China revenue for tslacker7113January 30
213116slacker, I also thought he mentioned that half of the China revenue shortfall wNAG1-January 30
213115After hours 233 to 248Stock Puppy-January 30
213114Stock took off on guidance. Cook mentioned the Chinese national subsidy programslacker711-January 30
213113[graphic]slacker7113January 30
213112Apple's results for the quarter Revenue up 4% and earnings up 10NAG11January 30
213111There's some evidence that upgrade rates may have finally bottomed in the USslacker711-January 29
213110Saw this video on ped30 about how Deep Seek R1 works. It is explained by a retirNAG1-January 28
213109No wonder Apple did okay after that announcement!Stock Puppy-January 28
213108Back in 2020 I bought my MacBook Air after reviewing M1 specs. I thought they saJeff Hayden2January 28
213107are you positive? I thought they were taking all the user data back up into the engineer-January 28
213106Apple's M-series of chips have at least 16 cores of neural processors. ApparJeff Hayden2January 28
213105JP -- I believe the problem with Apple and AI is more complex than what you suggArt Bechhoefer2January 28
213104Given what's happened in the AI space over the past weekend (namely, DeepSeeJP Sullivan3January 28
213103I have heard the rumblings about China. But Apple has had incentives before on islacker7111January 16
213102slacker, I have heard the rumblings about China. But Apple has had incentives bNAG1-January 16
213101Scratch that, this is mostly a negative for iPhone. The regular iPhone 16 with slacker711-January 16
213100FWIW, while I believe that Apple has real issues in China, the subsidies that weslacker711-January 16
213099slacker, It is probably that. But also adding to this could be that Key Bank coNAG1-January 16
213098I assume this Canalys report is what is causing Apple's outsized drop today.slacker711-January 16
213097Counterpoints numbers This from the report Apple ledNAG12January 7
213096ZDR and Slacker, I don’t invest in Chinese companies anymore. You could never rNAG12January 6
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