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An SI Board Since April 2024
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278 48 0
Emcee:  Sun Tzu Type:  Moderated
This is a place to keep all things that made you go "Wow!'. I've been meaning to keep a collection of clips and bits that I've found fascinating, and this is the place for it.

I think it lends itself well to photos and videos. A key difference between here and the photography board is that I think of that thread as place for fine beautiful photos and discussion of cameras and technics. But here is more about impact. It doesn't have to be pretty (though beauty is always appreciated).

There is only one limitation: nothing that would turn off a big chunk of people. So nothing morbid, regardless of how spectacular you think that head chopping scene from Shogun was. And nothing about politics or religious views.

Beyond this, anything scientific from heart surgery to space travel is great. Any amazing videos (e.g. people rushing to save a driver out of a burning car) is fine. Showing Churches as architecture or Lenin's giant statue is fine so long the point is the art and not advocation for a religion or a political opinion.

In short, if it made you think, "Wow, look at that!" and it can be shared with anyone, then this is the place for it.



PS Whenever possible, please embed your content within your post so that nobody has to go to another site to see it.

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ReplyMessage PreviewFromRecsPosted
278-video did not work for me- NIST Report to Congress Provides Update on ChamplaiChartgod-last Wednesday
277Savant-February 7
276If you always drive you are driving a train locomotive with 50 cars hooked up toChartgod-February 7
275It's a reminder to always drive defensive because you have to watch out for tntpal1February 7
274i got hooked into this one [youtube video]Chartgod-February 7
273Car launched into the air, Barely Misses Pedestrian | Road Wars [youtube vitntpal1February 7
272Armoured vehicle evades armed robbers in brazen highway heist. The Driver (lefttntpal1February 7
271Masters of the Knight: The Art of Chess Carving in India S. maltophilia2January 30
270Excellent words of wisdom [graphic]SI Ron (Crazy Music Man)3January 30
269Researchers confirm that asteroid Bennu contains minerals crucial to life | Watclongz-January 29
268The Most Dangerous Plane Landing - Emergency and Crosswind Landing Gone Wrong 20Chartgod1January 28
267Things that got "BOOM" [youtube video] [youtube vidChartgod3January 28
266"No nose gear." NO Front Landing Gear | EMERGENCY LANDINGStan6January 28
265First "real world" experience @ age 11 - 1969 when we went down to LakChartgod-January 17
264Superdog! [X] The greyhound is the fastest dog breed in the world, capable of Sun Tzu-January 17
263Estonian slackliner Roose conquers highline between Dubai towers Estonian Jaan Savant2January 11
26210 wild reveals from CES 2025 Day 1 - all Wow-worthy. The world is changing fasSun Tzu-January 7
261At 103, she said: "I have a higher mental capacity today than when I was Sun Tzu112/30/2024
260As many are about to make their new year resolution... [graphic]Sun Tzu212/30/2024
259the system discourages non conformity...and not just the education systemSavant-12/28/2024
257In the 1960s, NASA embarked on a unique quest, a quest not to explore outer spacQone0512/28/2024
256[graphic] This woman holds the highest recorded IQ ever: an astonishing 228. FaJ.B.C.312/28/2024
255Wow! [X Post]Sun Tzu312/28/2024
254She should tell you to go try it first...lolol.Savant112/27/2024
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