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Died Suddenly
An SI Board Since January 2023
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Emcee:  ig Type:  Moderated
I keep seeing stories about healthy young people who "died suddenly" of heart problems after taking Covid vaccines and boosters. I'm going to note new reports here for a while, with date of death starting Jan 1, 2023, excluding deaths from before that date.
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16I think I'm done with this thread for now. I was interested in gathering stoig-1/27/2023
15CJ Harris, 31, Jan 16. [X] American Idol star, CJ Harris, 31, dies suddenly afig-1/16/2023
14Jack Madison, 20, d. Jan 2, 2023 [X] A 20 year old college tennis player, Jackig-1/15/2023
13Derek Chavez, 32, died Jan 13, 2023. [X] NEW: Derek M. Chavez, a production suig-1/14/2023
12Healthy 10 year-old girl collapses and dies at school…FJB-1/14/2023
11I'd like to limit posts to heart-related sudden deaths among the young and hig-1/14/2023
1020-Year-Old Colorado College Tennis Player Dies Suddenly in His SleepFJB-1/14/2023
9[X] BREAKING BBC News: Cardiologist says likely contributory factor to excess FJB-1/14/2023
8[youtube video]jazzlover211/13/2023
7Gregory Yee, 33. "Worth it." [X] Gregory Yee, Breaking News Reporterig11/13/2023
6Jeff Beck, famous guitarist, but he was 78. With a lot of mileage. And it wasn&#ig-1/13/2023
5Lisa Marie Presley dead at 54 after cardiac arrest | LiveNOW from FOX [youtube Joachim K21/12/2023
4Logan Holgate, 18. [X] Rugby League in mourning after sudden death of 18-year-ig11/12/2023
3The military forced everyone to be vaccinated, right? Hunter Brown was 21. [X] ig11/10/2023
2When you do your own research before buying a house or a car, you're a Smartig11/10/2023
1Adam Rich. [X] Adam Rich, child star of Eight is Enough, #diedsuddenly at age ig21/10/2023
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