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NFL Prediction Contest 4th Down
An SI Board Since January 2021
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Emcee:  Milkman575 Type:  Moderated
The rules are simple, as follows:

1. Your picks must be posted with "NFLPICKS... Week #_..." in the subject of your post.

2. You do not need to post your name -- unless you want to remind us who you used to be if you've changed your alias from a previous contest/board.

3. Each week I will post the games for play.

4. You either list your pick or team, or highlight/boldface team names you pick to win the game. "Points" are not taken into consideration.

5. Picking mistakes by anyone will be scored as a 'dnp' (did not play), unless caught and corrected prior to game time. You will be notified if and when I catch an error.

6. Your entries must be posted by game time on the day of the game, the posted time of your picks will be the time keeper. EXAMPLE: l:00PM/ET games must be picked and posted by 12:59PM/ET. If your post is posted at l:00PM/ET or later for a l:00PM/ET game, you will receive a 'dnp' (did not play) for each applicable game posted. No excuses, no do overs, no exceptions. However, picks for later games, i.e., 4:30pm games still count.

7. You can revise any pick prior to that game's kickoff. If you make any "revisions" to your picks after you have already submitted your picks, you must resubmit your entire pick list. The post title must read: "NFLPICKS Week #_...Revision".

8. If you are having trouble with the internet and for whatever reason are unable to post directly on this board, you must post your picks directly to me

9. If you are leaving for a vacation your picks may be posted and recorded early; weeks in advance if necessary.

10. Not posting your weekly picks will never be excused, as there are always additional computers at family members, neighbors and/or libraries.

11. Most 'Wins' total for the full regular season wins the full season event. The playoffs and Super Bowl contest will be held separately, after the conclusion of the regular season event.

12. Anyone who receives 33 DNPs (Did Not Play) will be eliminated from play for the given season.

13. No new players will be added after the 2nd week of the season concludes.

14. This is the NFL football contest board...'rules of the road' will be followed.


Past Winners (Note: the contest began a couple years prior to 2003, but when our msg. board at the time changed owners, we lost records of those previous contests, so the following winners' list does not include those early years' winners):

2017-18benduck Cup Regular Season WinnersKevin Podsiadlik and RaiderGirl tie
bobbie-bonds Trophy Super Bowl WinnerKevin Podsiadlik..................................................
2016-17benduck Cup Regular Season Winnerfreelyhovering
bobbie-bonds Trophy Super Bowl Winnerscuba_chic...........................................................
2015-16benduck Cup Regular Season WinnerTom Daly
bobbie-bonds Trophy Super Bowl WinnerSusie924 (aka, SusieG).......................................
2014-15benduck Cup Regular Season Winnerbill3425 (aka, Blue)
bobbie-bonds Trophy Super Bowl WinnerSusie924 (aka, SusieG).......................................
2013-14benduck Cup Regular Season Winnermac319 (mr. mac)
bobbie-bonds Trophy Super Bowl WinnerJimisJim
2012-13benduck Cup Regular Season Winnerwmarini (aka: Billy The Kidd)
bobbie-bonds Trophy Super Bowl Winnermac319 (mr. mac)
2011-12benduck Cup Regular Season Winnerbuncha-chumps (aka: Chump-monkey) & marty
(aka: MartyB1959) (tied)
bobbie-bonds Trophy Super Bowl Winnerburntjohn
2010-11Regular Season WinnerJimisJim
Super Bowl Winnerbobbie-bonds
2009-10Regular Season WinnerJimisJim
Super Bowl Winnertree
2008-09Regular Season Winnermac319 (mr. mac)
Super Bowl Winnermac319 (mr. mac)
2007-08Regular Season Winnermac31952 (aka, debmac, mrs. mac)
Super Bowl Winnerbobbie-bonds
2006-07Regular Season WinnerMidas
Super Bowl Winnerminicat
2005-06Regular Season Winnermac31952 (aka, debmac, mrs. mac)
Super Bowl Winnermac31952 (aka, debmac, mrs. mac)
2004-05Regular Season WinnerJimisJim & techhunter (tied)
Super Bowl Winnermullahmaker
(aka: ArtVandelay, aka: artvandelay2013)
2003-04Regular Season Winnerbenduck
Super Bowl Winnerbenduck
2003Super Bowl Winnerjcamp (aka: poole)
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