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Ban or not to Ban that is the question.
An SI Board Since June 2017
Posts SubjectMarks Bans
333 25 0
Emcee:  Don Green Type:  Moderated
Silicon Investor was designed to be a discussion website and was for many years, but in recent years it seems to have become a lot of little fiefdoms where moderators who have a thread to express their opinions have total control on who can post or respond to, or question their thoughts. I have been a member since 1996 and I feel it is time to turn back the clocks and open up the discussions again.

I would like to see a revision or better control of the thread banning process

Presently it seems that any moderator who doesn’t like a valid or legit question posted on their thread can easily banish the poster for no real reason.

This happened to me recently and I decided it is time to free up SI to make it again a discussion site vs a blog site where posters can respond to a post and not worry about getting banned because of their question or comment.

So the purpose of this thread is for people who feel they are unjustly banned on a thread, to post the comments in question which appears to have gotten them banned and let other users here post their comments on whether the ban appears to be justified or not.

Let the users present their case and let others comment and SI Ron can still be the judge.
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ReplyMessage PreviewFromRecsPosted
333heywood04 seek help ffs!longz-9/22/2024
332I'm seeing others posting replies to HB's messages in order to memorialiHeywood4019/21/2024
331And now he's trying to steal your board!!!Heywood40-9/19/2024
330Are you sure HB would have wanted you to steal her board?Heywood40-9/19/2024
329I found this interesting posting in a profile of a rather outspoken poster on SIDon Green212/6/2021
328My take on SI bans is simple. Some people can't defend themselves or their pJamie153-1/15/2021
327Using the Service for illegal purposes or for the transmission of material that chronicle-3/21/2020
325Horny_Beest, someone called someone else a "filthy-hog" on your threadHeywood4011/23/2020
324If you don't want name-calling on your thread, just ban the name-callers.Heywood40-1/19/2020
323As stated in the introduction... The purpose of this thread is for people who fDon Green-1/18/2020
322After maliciously calling GZ a rat and a liar, Horny_Beest says she is the only Heywood40-1/18/2020
321Some low-class, common bitch is name-calling on Horny_Beest's thread!Heywood40-1/17/2020
320Honeybee: "I am going to ban you for coming here for the sole purpose of atchronicle-1/14/2020
319Your thread is full of moral and mental yardbates who don't have jobs or opichronicle-1/14/2020
318Hilarious! Horny_Beest the Hypocrite says this: Calling names is not somethinHeywood40-1/13/2020
317Confused again? You said I was banned because I insulted you, now it is because chronicle-1/12/2020
316Any time someone lies about me, they go on ignore. You are on ignore....Honey_Bee-1/12/2020
315"I don't want to know anything about anyone." is a great response chronicle-1/12/2020
314It's time to end it because you have been unmasked as a hypocritical FatRumpHeywood40-1/11/2020
313I don't want to know anything about anyone. So now it's time to end thisHoney_Bee-1/11/2020
312I have been personally attacked by many on your thread. Want me to tell you who chronicle-1/11/2020
311Calling names is not something I want on my thread.That's hilarious! Heywood40-1/11/2020
310You seem to be under the mistaken impression that I EVER tell my readers/postersHoney_Bee-1/11/2020
309Tell it to your followers. They were encouraged to launch private attacks and thchronicle-1/11/2020
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