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The Financial Collapse of 2001 Unwinding
An SI Board Since March 2017
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12961 109 1
Emcee:  elmatador Type:  Moderated
Aftermath of the dotcom bubble. Financial Collapse ensued. Greenspan flooded the market resulting in the real estate bubble. That cause another financial crisis of 2008. That prompted Quantitative Easing (QE) for 5 years until Janet Yellen pulled the plug in which became known as the Taper Tantrum.

The US could afford stopping QE not so Europe, Japan and China which are still doing it.
Today, the world economy deals with these excesses as well as the changes in China which moves to a much slower GDP growth and move into higher valued added products.

The aim of this thread is to serve as a center of discussions of these major issues. Although we have had a thread dedicated to this theme, it has deteriorated into a reality show of the US political system which is not what this new thread is all about.

While the old Financial Collapse thread suffer from weak leadership and poor moderation this one will be kept clean of political shenanigans.
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ReplyMessage PreviewFromRecsPosted
12961Investors trying to pull money out of commercial real-estate funds are hitting aelmatador-4 AM
12960It has been on the news since the Silicon Valley Bank collapse Some $2.1 trillielmatador-2 AM
12959Cargill, America’s Largest Private Company, Faces Leaner Times Cargill’s profit elmatador-Wednesday
12958Hi Bob! Interesting your post about Natural Gas and Data centers in the Big Dog elmatador-Monday
12957The Conservative movement's robust global support for pedophiles and child aElroy Jetson-Sunday
12956France’s Telegram blunder means Europe will hunt for Satoshi next What happened elmatador1Sunday
12955Nearly half of Nvidia's revenue comes from just four mystery whales each buyelmatador-August 29
12954China's auto makers are continuing their rapid collapse into bankruptcy. PoElroy Jetson-August 29
12953The growth story of the next 10 years is Africa [graphic]elmatador-August 29
12952The Rest of waiting for this Dry Powder. It will be beautiful [graphic]elmatador-August 29
12951Electric car boss quits after sales plunge 40%. Lost $1.5bn in a year. CEO leaveelmatador-August 29
12950The world should take notice — the rest are rising again An emerging market reelmatador-August 27
12949Why is Africa primed for the AI revolution? TRAINING AI MODELS! Training will elmatador-August 27
12948The pandemic purchase that became the accidental AI data center stock Initial aElroy Jetson-August 25
12947Re: NLCP I am a little late to the party on this one. I started a small positiE_K_S-August 25
12946The myth of deglobalisation hides the real shifts In short, there seems no evidelmatador-August 24
12945Unhog capital! The last great engine of the world economy is sputtering out Botelmatador-August 23
12944A US high tech company -at the forefront of communications- wants me to develop elmatador-August 23
12943I am beating AI ! Elroy thinks that I am AI! [graphic]elmatador-August 23
12942The AI agent you emailed seems almost human in characteristics. Change will comElroy Jetson-August 22
12941What professionals are saying about what I write: [graphic] [graphic]elmatador-August 22
12940By 2030, Africa could achieve rough parity with the rest of the world when threeelmatador1August 22
12939African cities are forecast to see some of the fastest population growth rates gelmatador-August 22
12938And yet Africa still has to contend with carpet-bagging Brazilian Mr Greenpants Elroy Jetson-August 22
12937African countries are hardly alone in their refusal to accept global pressure toelmatador-August 22
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