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It was twenty years ago today Sgt. Pepper taught the band to play They've been going in and out of style But they're guaranteed to raise a smile So may I introduce to you The act you've known for all these years Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band\
We're Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band We hope you will enjoy the show We're Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band Sit back and let the evening go Sgt. Pepper's lonely, Sgt. Pepper's lonely Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band It's wonderful to be here It's certainly a thrill You're such a lovely audience We'd like to take you home with us We'd love to take you home
I don't really want to stop the show But I thought that you might like to know That the singer's going to sing a song And he wants you all to sing along So let me introduce to you The one and only Billy Shears And Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
Here's a fact that may have escaped you.Insiders are restricted from trading. That means there is news coming. Other OEMs have decided to take Mercedes' testing data rather than doing their own testing. Guess they want to expedite putting smart glass in a production car. What other reason would there be for doing this?
You say this is a "failed" company. What will you say when they have earnings? Guess you're hoping for some more time to be able to cover. Longs don't have to worry about these things. Just sit back and wait for numbers to come in. How long will it take? You're saying it will never happen. Let's just see who's right.
Pretty good increase over last Friday's spread, an increase of almost 9.4%.
Yet, REFR actually performed fairly well this week, just not well enough.
REFR is no longer in the Terrible Twos. Though it is not far away.
Still no dividends from REFR
Will REFR slowly dwindle away? Will REFR crash and burn all at once?
There seems to be some discontent among REFR longs these days, at least this is my impression.
Remember, REFR still has some value, as you can sell the stock and deduct the losses from gains on your other investments. (You do have other investments, don't you?).
Unless you held your REFR in an IRA. I think this is a very bad move. Highly speculative penny stocks like REFR should be held in a taxable account, so you can deduct your losses.
Save your IRAs for quality investments.
Tune in next week for another episode from The REFR Chronicles, and more investing advice as well.