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Pocket Watches
An SI Board Since May 2013
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Emcee:  ManyMoose Type:  Moderated
I searched for a subject on pocket watches and found none, so decided to correct that. Is anyone interested in pocket watches?

Pocket Watch Site...

Here is a site where you can look up the serial number on your Waltham Pocket Watch and find out when it was made. I have several. The one I checked was made in 1883.
Link to Waltham Serial Numbers...

eBay has a lot of pocket watches. Some years ago I got addicted to acquiring them and have quite a few, many of which still run despite their age. I had to break that addiction but I still like pocket watches.

Surprisingly, Russian pocket watches are inexpensive and high quality. They are made by an aircraft instrument factory whether anyone needs them or not, so they end up on eBay.
Link to pocket watches on eBay
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