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Formerly About Applied Materials
An SI Board Since October 1995
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This was formerly a non-moderated thread for Applied Materials.

A moderated discussion thread for AMAT can be found at Subject 37415.
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70976>>> I'm unaware of the pork she's brought in <<< TalJerome-2/8/2006
70975<i>Please be specific</i> I have no idea where she has come out, siFiloF-10/7/2005
70974As a New Yorker, it is so surprising how many republican leaders have found her Fred Levine-10/7/2005
70973Its funny that you bring this issue up, since I was just thinking about it in thFiloF-10/6/2005
70972Back to politics--I am furious at Senator Stevens of Alaska for being the biggesFred Levine-10/6/2005
70971<i>I believe the "telecom/internet sector, including their equip suppSam Citron-4/27/2005 Frat BoysPink Minion-8/15/2004
70969Bush's side is that he was busy playing golf.Sun Tzu-8/9/2004
70968I've read some of the 9/11 report. After Bush was given the Aug 6 imminent Fred Levine-8/9/2004
70967>><i> As one who took the position that people who commit crimes agaPink Minion-5/14/2004
70966Geeze, I finally get this "thread" moved to: "<b>PoliticsPink Minion-5/13/2004
70965I hope I didn't "Hurt" your fa-eelings Fraed. You "Know ThysPink Minion-5/11/2004
70964thanks dad, can I drive the buik tonight?-g-marginmike-5/6/2004
70963Here we have another fine example of what happens when politics are allowed to gSI Dave25/6/2004
70962Sorry, It's called thinking like an Relational Database. What's the RolPink Minion-5/5/2004
70961As one who took the position that people who commit crimes against humanity shouFred Levine-5/5/2004
70960my informal semi-annual synopsis of AMAT INTRODUCTION My semi-annual stock synotktrimbath-12/31/2003
70959<i>It just shows how moronic they are... </i> Perhaps sensitive to oLazarus_Long-11/15/2003
70958CNBC says AMAT posted earnings of $0.06 <i>vs.</i> expectations of $Math Junkie-11/12/2003
70957I guess the only way to fight it is with equally hard and strong belief systems,average joe-11/8/2003
70956Yes. You can check every sect or tribe from here to Timmy-Boo, and you will finSolon-11/6/2003
70955Funniest thing, that. Is it strange that the Gods want what we want?Lazarus_Long-11/6/2003
70954Apparently the Gods approve of whatever the people approve of--exterminate the mSolon-11/6/2003
70953Will they? Does Allah approve of this?Lazarus_Long-11/6/2003
70952LOL!!! AInt't that the truth! "500 channels and nothing to watch."Lazarus_Long-11/6/2003
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