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Technology Stocks
NOK at $3.12 or AAPL at $565? Which is a buy?
An SI Board Since May 2012
Posts SubjectMarks Bans Symbol
163 12 0 AAPL
Emcee:  sylvester80 Type:  Moderated
On May 4th 2012, at the low of the day, Nokia and Apple hit $3.12 and $565 respectively. Which was the buy? In 12 months we will have the answer to the question... but in the mean time, tell us what you think.

To give an idea to people, what PPS Nokia and Apple need in 12 months for a 20%, 30%, 40% and 50% gain from the prices of $3.12 and $565 of May 4th, 2012 (the day this board was started) respectively...

+00%: Nokia 3.12, Apple 565
+10%: Nokia 3.43, Apple 622
+20%: Nokia 3.74, Apple 678
+30%: Nokia 4.06, Apple 735
+40%: Nokia 4.37, Apple 791
+50%: Nokia 4.68, Apple 848 / 7 = 121.14
+100%: Nokia 6.24, Apple 1130/7 = 161.43
+150%: Nokia 7.80, Apple 1412.5/7= 201.79
+200%: Nokia 9.36, Apple 1695/7 = 242.14
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ReplyMessage PreviewFromRecsPosted
163Talk about LOSERS... CRAPple longs can't even match the markets, let alone asylvester80-2/17/2015
162<2 years and 9 months later (Feb 13, 2015) NOK: $8.05 UP +160%, AAPL: $889 uppcstel-2/17/2015
161aapl dynasty it,no-brainer 2 years and 9 months later (Feb 13, 2015) NOK:sylvester80-2/16/2015
159aapl dynasty it,no-brainer12 months later (May 10th, 2013) NOK: $3.66 UP sylvester80-7/4/2013
158Neither. 12 months later (May 10th, 2013) NOK: $3.66 UP +17.4%, AAPL: $459 DOWN sylvester80-7/4/2013
15701/24/2013: Nokia at $4.40 UP 40% from $3.12; Apple at $460 DOWN 20% from $565 sylvester80-1/24/2013
156Don't be bitter. X-Dzax11/10/2013
15512/24/2012: Nokia at $4.00 UP 28% from $3.12 12/24/2012: Apple at $520 DOWN 8% fsylvester80-12/25/2012
154Exactly right... a person would have to have no brains to have purchased CRAPplesylvester80112/5/2012
15312/5/2012: Nokia at $3.79 UP 21% from $3.12 12/5/2012: Apple at $548 DOWN 3% frosylvester80-12/5/2012
152BREAKING..Nokia Oyj's Nokia Siemens Networks In Talks To Sell Business Supposylvester80-9/11/2012
151To give an idea to people, what PPS Nokia and Apple need in 12 months for a 20%,sylvester80-8/26/2012
150Nokia ask for dealer support as it aims to be “disruptive force” August 3, 2012 sylvester80-8/6/2012
149I'll still choose "neither" or "none of the above" for msense17/17/2012
148Marked. Dropped the other one...sense-7/17/2012
146This the right one ?sense-7/17/2012
145Nokia’s Chairman admits that the company has a contingency plan should Windows Psylvester80-7/2/2012
144What moron CEO goes with no plan B??? Nokia POS CEO Elop... that's who....Sosylvester8016/25/2012
143No shortage of dire bad news for Nokia. You would think the worst is out but thesylvester80-6/25/2012
142At the rate POS Nokia is falling weekly (net selling, no buying), and given thatsylvester8016/25/2012
141One fund[graphic] manager with Robeco Group said Nokia's big problem is thsylvester80-6/25/2012
140Eric L. banned me from the Nokia board for questioning Elop. Yet, since then, hesylvester80-6/17/2012
139Nokia TA posted yesterday 11am Nokia bottomed at 2.08 euros. +20% is 2.49 eurossylvester80-6/13/2012
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