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BAK - Investing
An SI Board Since February 2012
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Emcee:  Spekulatius Type:  Moderated
Forum for BAK ex IV posters
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ReplyMessage PreviewFromRecsPosted
3249Back upWECoyote-10/1/2024
3248When Blue announces the site is down and will be up by a certain time, the outagLongsPeak-10/1/2024
3247Email from Blue: Outage Notice, 9.30.24 The site has been down since approximatWECoyote110/1/2024
3246I think Blue should at least let the non-paid posters continue to use the site falertmeipp-4/28/2024
3245The private and BAK boards are back. Political board is not.RalphR-4/28/2024
3244Um, that's strange. I can post on the IV boards that I used to frequent but LongsPeak14/28/2024
3243I still cannot post on private ideas Carler98 on IV gagoots heregagoots-4/28/2024
3242I wonder if part of Blue’s thinking was that the site provided a lot of people aRalphR-4/27/2024
3241I'm primarily interested in a private board where the ability to post researLongsPeak34/27/2024
3240BAK IV is now open (this is second time I’ve posted this, but SI seems to eat myugadawg_98-4/27/2024
3239I’m a lifetime member who also chips in money occasionally. I get a lot of valueRalphR24/27/2024
3238I will similarly only participate in free (and therefore anonymous) message boarnuggetminer-4/27/2024
3237I am too cheap to pay a monthly fee for a message board.. and seems IV will no lalertmeipp-4/26/2024
3236Are you aware of dooms new place? energyinvesting.proboards.comCusterInvestor-4/26/2024
3235Back from the dead only for paying members. Now officially paywalled for free mgoldendad-4/26/2024
3234IV is back but not at full strength. Several of my previous boards are "No LongsPeak-4/26/2024
3233Back from the dead. investorvillage.comWECoyote-4/25/2024
3232Hi Bak members, checking with IV website almost daily. Most probably data is coindigostretch-4/25/2024
3231IV supposedly reopening today (Thursday). "The good news is we will be re-WECoyote34/25/2024
3230I am under the impression that private board is possible under proboards. In anikea14/24/2024
3229The apparent problem is that a private board is desirable. It seems that the oldRalphR24/23/2024
3228Board? proboards.comAJSutton666-4/23/2024
3227The main problem is that this is not private. You can exclude people from postiKyrosL34/23/2024
3226 Larry Tentarelli, Blue Chip Daily @bluechipdaily - Last Tuesday, $SPX hikgr1137-4/23/2024
3225Yeah, I don't quite get the reluctance of some to post here. I guess they wkgr1137-4/22/2024
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