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Technology Stocks
Qualcomm - Stooge Free Forum
An SI Board Since February 2012
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13 2 0 QCOM
Emcee:  veritas501 Type:  Unmoderated
This forum is intended for the discussion of Qualcomm and the Wireless Industry in general.

Qualcomm stooges are discouraged from participating.
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13Slacker711 - Why don't you give readers of Silicon Investor an update on Mirveritas5013/26/2013
12"We've got a three year lead in LTE..and you guys are still butt hurt averitas5011/19/2013
11"But discontinue forays into manufacturing, such as the Mirasol fiasco.&quoveritas50112/27/2012
10"Somebody could bring out mirasol double-sided screens/devices and enjoy vaveritas50112/21/2012
9Alert! Alert! Blast from the Past! "Mirasol is not a worry. It is now juveritas50112/19/2012
8Qualcomm stooges are at it again. How many times has the world been told "veritas5012/22/2012
7"If I don't get everything I want, I'll take my ball and go home.&qveritas5012/14/2012
6Qualcomm stooges say the poor performance of ventures like QPE (with Sony), Wireveritas5012/11/2012
5Qualcomm stooges say the existence of over 3 billion (repeat: billion) GSM subscveritas5012/11/2012
4Qualcomm stooges say Ericsson's acquisition of Nortel's wireless businesveritas5012/8/2012
3Qualcomm stooges say the fact there are only 8 million CDMA subscribers in the Everitas5012/7/2012
2Qualcomm stooges say weak subscriber growth outside of Asia is unimportant. Is tveritas5012/7/2012
1Qualcomm stooges say CDMA's decline in Latin America is unimportant. Is thisveritas5012/7/2012
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