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Quantum Economics.......2012 and Beyond
An SI Board Since December 2011
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Emcee:  dvdw© Type:  Moderated
Good morning its another supernatural day, welcome to a Matrix of 1 © where we will blog about the emergence of EXOPolitics, convergence with main stream economics. Added to the permanent record as guidelines is this post:
From: dvdw©2 Recommendations of 144332
Sometimes, because my job is input.... solutions as replies, seem akin to speculation. Let me try again out of respect for all thread mates, a high ground friend reminds me with this truism as an outtake; which is foundational to my core and everyones whose purposes are not duplicitous. The universe is quantum mechanical, that many observe it as binary accounts for the vast differences between folks whose beliefs seem certain until at a given moment when the challenge of doing good means being good without any other notions..

"Friends, an old thought: “ When we touch something, we leave our fingerprints. When we touch the lives of people, we leave our identity. Life is good when you are happy. But life is much better when others are happy because of you. Nothing in nature lives for itself. Rivers do not drink their own water; the trees do not eat their own fruit. The Sun does not shine to itself; and the flowers do not spread their fragrance for themselves. Living for others is a rule of nature. We are all born to help each other. It does not matter how difficult the situation in which you are, keep doing good.”
HAPUC is the acronym for Heisenberg's Asymmetric Properties of Uncertain Correlations. Consciousness is both local and non local. Being that HAPUC is a derivative of HUP (see wiki) where experiences of lifetimes of trial and error, separate, to become finely tuned frequencies resonating in clarity between those whose paths cross according to the potentials of the systems inhabitants. Jullian Jaynes covered history from another angle with his seminal work The Origins of Consciousness, and the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind. Once Quantum Biology entered the lexicon describing the interface between Biology and Nature as Antenna and Receiver, all of the necessary foundations are in place for the recognition of consciousness as local and non local becomes for practitioners an advantage to be cherished.

HAPUC wisdom includes this truism; On your way to your tomorrows, have supernatural todays©.

HAPUC is inclusive when its understood that the exopolitical world which is forming now, utilizes properties which are largely outside the realm of classical thinking. Simple logics equal Classical thinking; as in ; win lose, either or, characterizations, where probability outcomes are limited by the absence of degrees of freedom required to have a truly quantum system, where recognition of the difference between simple and complex is understood and augmented by recognition of multi validness about unseen properties, disallowed by classical systems.

HAPUC falls within this research protocol
This Quantum conversion and exopolitical faculty being formed now will provide input as commentary about the state of so many states.....a directional hypothesis can not yet be determined... consider taking your first steps toward extraction from the dumb or dumber your reward for the work required.

Was thinking that its about time to reconstruct our base lines away from the classical to the quantum nature of things. It was surprising to find that Ancient cultures already used and understood quantum mechanics, it was left for us as teachings described within Hermetics this piece lays out the 7 Axioms nicely

Why not use our thread for the collaboration it could originate, to begin doing this.
Introduce yourself to the Potential held within the concepts discussed in this program applying them to our worlds economics;

Lets watch the evolution of this important information source representing the breakthrough required; to move to Holistic understanding; Where Viewpoints and data become data as viewpoints. Packets of information variables, define subject and object.
Mr Pensinger,""The variables in the quantum wave equation are multivalued: for every value of x there are a multiplicity of corresponding values for y. Two different notions of identity are involved here, one simple and one complex. An entity with simple-identity, when in motion, carries very little holistic information about the system of which it is a part. An entity with complex-identity, when in motion, carries a large component of holistic information about the system to which it belongs." .... Sadly, Geocities is shut down, and WMP's content has not been re located

The Wealth of Nations lies in its Potential. Potential is only guaranteed by degrees of Freedom operational, measurable. With degrees of freedom intact, whole new base lines can be articulated under the expansive terms inclusive in The Variable Time Shapes of Capital..

Seth Lloyds Presentation called The Black Hole of Finance Must view in conjunction with MQSPresentations
Black Hole of finance:

MQS Explained in this video Replacement for disconnected link Message 30361534 outlined here, (subscription only as of 6-30-15)

Breathtaking understanding herein.
Message 28208297

We've posited that the concept of Nano Particalization of Currency is one way to adjudicate the Wealth of a Nations constructs, where the bands earned, each consisting of a semi or precious metal, dictate a states ability to authenticate itself on the world stage, preserving markets, trade and guiding capital to those places that earn for themselves reputations based on authentic justice, objective policy, real enterprise based on the ability to value add, invent, defend, and orient its extrapolations so as to be recognized for its pure states of being fundamentally pro freedom, and thus codifying its relationships across variables which counter program the inertia of the present.

In an economic model, an exogenous change is one that comes from outside the model and is unexplained by the model. For example, in the simple supply and demand model, a change in consumer tastes or preferences is unexplained by the model and also leads to endogenous changes in demand that lead to changes in the equilibrium price. Similarly, a change in the consumer's income is given outside the model. Put another way, an exogenous change involves an alteration of a variable that is autonomous, i.e., unaffected by the workings of the model.

The present has only momentum of newtonian materialists operational, binary men preserving binary solutions as circular reference, this debases all of us and the wonder that is the real world.
Hyperboloids of wondrous Light
Rolling for aye through Space and Time
Harbour those Waves which somehow Might
Play out God's holy pantomime [78]

Quantum Mechanics dictates biological system performance. Research over the last 9 years has moved the understanding that Biology takes from coherent light waves, energy, that energy, operates the systems of life, and functions much like bar codes..Bruce Liptons work at Stanford has basically set in motion a change of methods and practice away from materialism to quantum mechanics as the foundation for all human, plant and animal biology.

You can see a working model of how this all comes together here.

All biology works the following way. These 3 of 12 segments quickly illustrate the changes of understanding Biology in transition from Newonian materialism, to Quantum Mechanics.

Take up this challenge and help articulate a way to move the game entirely. None of the mouthpieces offered up as meaningful, have any meaning at all. Just out of control egos, flying about with thier momentum as thier only fuel.

Your expertise is needed, but not in the same way your used to offering it..You have the epigenetic potential to aid in positing transitions from the binary fabric to the multivalued… Parallel Scale emerges during the transition period between prevailing systems intents, in this case, its describing transitions from classical physics to Quantum Physics. Parallel Scale represents the coordinates of a space to be occupied, populated if you will, within which the variable Time will continue its role in the shaping of capital. New and exciting tools will become sources of input for changing populations of people. HAPUC© dvdw, will take on a significant role in understanding and converting information networks from closely contrived systems to systems which will no longer be afforded the malfeasance described under RO/RS=CF.

Self interest may just stomp this idea down, but i urge you to reconsider any first impulse at doing so, these are wasteland times for binary man, new orientations will emerge on thier own, leaders recognize this and stand ready to aid others with understanding about the transitions underway.
Message 28345053

This new input has been given, representing a prediction about a key word described within the link just above.. Exogenous

Nothing could be more exogenous than this; Message 30489824

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1294Thanks Dino for dropping in and your inputs.dvdw©-April 28
1293As originators and practitioners of RO/RS=CF this thread has stayed on the leadidvdw©1April 28
1292[X] Vitol, Trafi et al are behind the curve vs the likes of Citadel. I explaineDinoNavarre-April 21
1291[X] Tesla Dojo on top, in my updated long-term version of Moore's Law. Note: tDinoNavarre-April 20
1290Great weekend for reflecting on what matters. 17k/2dvdw©-March 30
1289Enjoyed this presentation. The guy understood the real estate bubble in China wadvdw©-February 15
1288As systems analyst, ours is an always bumpy road. Perun is one of the best at sydvdw©-11/22/2023
1287South Korea takes stand against Short Sellers, naked or otherwise. finance.yahodvdw©-11/6/2023
1286Summary article about SBF's conviction on all counts to the fraud which thisdvdw©-11/4/2023
1285This piece takes a look at Chinas Central Bank and the politics which engulf it.dvdw©-11/4/2023
1284This piece is highly educational. The piece describes the contributing players,dvdw©-10/18/2023
1283Naked Short Selling is a scandal. 35 TSLA +0.01% FSR -0.dvdw©-10/17/2023
1282China Government owned buildings already completely out of balance with Supply advdw©-10/10/2023
1281during times like these let us remind them who have departed from the path of ridvdw©-9/29/2023
1280Interest in AI is dependent on applications. The piece next digs deeply into spedvdw©-9/25/2023
1279This depiction of Instacarts IPO is welcome. Characterizing itself as a Low Floadvdw©-9/20/2023
1278Mal Investment under the terms of Rotten Tail Buildings, and Tofu dreg constructdvdw©-9/17/2023
1277All that inertia we see stems from the plan being waged against the public. Whendvdw©-9/10/2023
1276Outstanding post from AHHA's thread.Pay close attention because the science dvdw©19/10/2023
1275Fascinating story about an emerging counter programmer.©-9/5/2023
1274Strong Peso dilutes record remittances. yahoo.comdvdw©-9/3/2023
1273Why are these allegations not surprising. The firm has a reputation for price sudvdw©-8/29/2023
1272This piece clearly depicts the fallout from increasing rates.©-8/24/2023
1271Why is it not understood that higher rates slow money down? Why is it that highedvdw©-8/23/2023
1270Update on China including Yuan weakness, production, deflation.... dvdw©-8/18/2023
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