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SI - Site Forums
Silicon Investor - New feature discussion
An SI Board Since July 2011
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7315 321 2
Emcee:  SI Dmitry (code monkey) Type:  Moderated
This topic is here to serve a repository for all new requested features and debate their merits.

Great improvements to SI are coming, and you can help contribute.

Thanks in advance for your thoughts!

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    ReplyMessage PreviewFromRecsPosted
    7315Dear Investor2, I'll take a look at it. I'm sure this won't be difSI Dmitry (code monkey)-4 hours ago
    7314I don't know much about Android. You could just post the link only. Did itSI Ron (Crazy Music Man)-6 hours ago
    7313Thanks for replyAlex MG-1 AM
    7312Dear Alex, It looks like Twitframe, the twitter preview service we are using inSI Dmitry (code monkey)-yesterday
    7311When I try to insert a YouTube video using my Samsung android tablet, I get thisInvestor2-yesterday
    7310twitter, oops I mean X, posts are not embedding on SI Is it an SI glitch or iAlex MG-yesterday
    7309Dear Ron, Some Bluesky posts ("skeets") require one to be logged ontoSI Dmitry (code monkey)1Sunday
    7308Hi Dmitry... it appears some Bluesky posts don't come through using the new Ron-Sunday
    7307Try another browser.SI Ron (Crazy Music Man)-February 3
    7306i double checked the file size. It is correct according to "properties"kidl-February 3
    7305This one is 4 MB, are you sure that is the size you see? [graphic] [graphic]SI Ron (Crazy Music Man)-February 3
    7304I am trying to insert a 2.96 MB jpg picture in a post and I am getting a “Failedkidl-February 3
    7303My topic is still showing yesterday's price. Perhaps code it to do a reset Kirk ©1January 30
    7302Dear Kirk, Thank you for bringing this to our attention! It looks like our qSI Dmitry (code monkey)-January 30
    7301Topic Ticker Delay? Does anyone know why the ticker for COHR is showing yesterdKirk ©-January 30
    7300been that way for at least 10 years.engineer1January 27
    7299In the vast majority of anything "coded" on earth, "ESC" shoChartgod1January 27
    7298Its open so you don't loose the search. You have to search or manually closeSI Ron (Crazy Music Man)1January 27
    7297Yes, thanks I'm aware of that. My point is if you move the cursor off that dStan1January 25
    7296not sure Stan, your image layout for sure was different than anything that happeChartgod-January 25
    7295Yes, I can close it but why does it hang? Right now it's in another SI tab, Stan-January 25
    7294tie to the "Esc" key I feel, as you have to nail the X next to subjectChartgod-January 25
    7293Hello. I'm not sure why this window that's opened up with a random movemStan1January 25
    7292Dear engineer, Another request from our partner is that you clear your browser SI Dmitry (code monkey)-January 17
    7291Please see the PM I've sent you with special interception and reporting instSI Dmitry (code monkey)-January 16
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