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Technology Stocks
Apple Tankwatch
An SI Board Since February 2011
Posts SubjectMarks Bans Symbol
32631 140 0 AAPL
Emcee:  zax Type:  Moderated
At board inception (February 2011), Apple was worth 1.5X Microsoft ($335 B vs $228 B).

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ReplyMessage PreviewFromRecsPosted
32631[graphic] Coming February 20. Oppo Find N5; will likely be rebranded OnePlus Fzax1yesterday
32630(repeating) : Apple’s Intelligence proving to be a joke ..........Jon Koplik2January 8
32629Cool stuff from CES, day 1. [X] 2. NVIDIA announces Project DIGITS, a $3,000 pzax1January 7
32628Current Apple Music, the app itself, is decent these days. They unborked it fromZen Dollar Round-January 3
32627Thank you!greg s1January 3
32626Current Apple Music, the app itself, is decent these days. They unborked it fromZen Dollar Round-January 3
32625Zen Dollar Round, I really liked the old iTunes and have a fairly large number greg s-January 3
32624Had I realized Spotify's CEO was a Swede at the time he starting fighting baZen Dollar Round-January 3
32622Overheard: The funniest product this year was when Apple was like, "Here izax-12/31/2024
32621[X] By 2015, Spotify was growing fast: • 75M active users • Present in 58 counzax112/28/2024
32620The AAPL I bought in 1998 is now a Thousand-bagger!Heywood40212/26/2024
32619AAPL NATCH! 259.02Heywood40-12/26/2024
32618Merry NITCH* / NATCH Christmas Everybody! I'm am especially thankful for TimForce Majeure-12/24/2024
32617AAPL NATCH! 258.20Heywood40-12/24/2024
32616Yo. Message 34947241 Power to the 8! [graphic]Stock Puppy-12/24/2024
32615AAPL NATCH! 255.27Heywood40-12/23/2024
32614AAPL NATCH! 254.49Heywood40-12/20/2024
32613I have been facetiously predicting Apple stock as a power of 2 for quite a whileStock Puppy112/17/2024
32612AAPL NATCH! 253.48Heywood40-12/17/2024
32611Does this count? Message 32403361Heywood40-12/17/2024
32610AAPL NATCH! 251.04Heywood40-12/16/2024
32609Patiently awaiting 256. Why? 256 = 2^8, nice single digit binary number!Stock Puppy212/13/2024
32608AAPL NATCH! 248.13Heywood40-12/13/2024
32607> Touchscreens, in my opinion, are engineered specifically for nose-pickers aZen Dollar Round112/13/2024
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