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Technology Stocks
An SI Board Since December 2010
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64232 295 1 AMD
Emcee:  neolib Type:  Moderated
This board is primarily for discussion about AMD, but related companies such as Nvidia, Intel, ARM, and the emerging players in RISC-V and GPU/AI/ML chips are also relevant.

Please be polite to other posters, don't endless bash any company, and try to stay on topic.
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64232There was a Trump press conference today, in which Trump "pre-announced&quoJoe NYCa minute ago
64231Here is an annotated die Strix Halo SoC. There have been some rumors that the nJoe NYC6 hours ago
64230...yep....sounding more likely all the time...........I guess we will see soonTHE WATSONYOUTH7 hours ago
64229<i>It's so hard with my AMD mistress. Nickles and dimes. Other raking THE WATSONYOUTH7 hours ago
64228<i>I was just trying to provide a little framework for your memories.</THE WATSONYOUTH7 hours ago
64227Good points. I also thought back then that GloFo would have been a perfect matcJoe NYC8 hours ago
64226Well here is some fanning of the Intel fires from yesterday, although IMHO the aneolib8 hours ago
64225BTW, here is something to put the pricing in perspective. Strix Halo is clearlyJoe NYC9 hours ago
64224The 14" HP Z-Book would have been a better product to have the launch revieJoe NYCyesterday
64223Vultures circling.,, In the current state of the FPGA market, it is hard to seeJoe NYCyesterday
64222Some sunshine with GPUs. Who knows. It's so hard with my AMD mistress. NicPravin Kamdaryesterday
64221I've got 20 more contracts of AMD I can sell calls on. Of course, the hour oPravin Kamdaryesterday
64220Dear God. The more things remain the same, the more they will never be differentPravin Kamdaryesterday
64219Why can't AMD seem to fix these problems? <i> Ifneolibyesterday
64218[graphic] WATSONYOUTHyesterday
64217Oh my.Pravin Kamdaryesterday
64216I was a Titan II launch officer. It used hypergolic fuel: unsymmetrical dimethgreg syesterday
64215There are some Strix Halo reviews out, but all I see is people reviewing a 13&quJoe NYCyesterday
64214Gold and silver, not bad.Pravin Kamdaryesterday
64213So, at the end of the day: AMD: nothing burger. NVDA: nothing burger. LUNR: nPravin Kamdaryesterday
64212I feel your pain.combjellyyesterday
64211keep your wits about you and don't fall in love. That's my problem. I aPravin Kamdaryesterday
64210Define "benefit". Everybody can't be a net exporter. Mathematicallcombjellyyesterday
64209Nothing bad. Just different priorities. My dismay is that it was everyone. It wcombjellyyesterday
64208re: Are you proposing a return to mercantilism? Trade is good when both sides bJoe NYCyesterday
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