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Apple Product Help
An SI Board Since September 2010
Posts SubjectMarks Bans
6549 97 0
Emcee:  Zen Dollar Round Type:  Moderated

We all know Apple products are much easier to use than their competitors' products. Still, with desktop computers, laptop computers, iPods, iPhones, iPads, apps, iTunes/Music, Apple TV, Apple Watch, and various flavors of Mac OS X/macOS and other software, most mortals can get stuck.

This thread is intended as a place where folks can post their questions and the friendly Apple user community can help them out, from simple questions to complex. It is also OK to ask general troubleshooting questions, post news or give tips about Apple products and their usage. Hopefully some experts will SubjectMark this thread and visit occasionally with their advice. Thanks in advance, experts.

For those needing help with PC and Windows products, please check out the excellent Computer Learning thread, moderated by goldworldnet.


Due to SI policy, political comments are off limits here. There are many threads on SI in which to discuss politics, this will not be one of them.

Macintosh Utilities

App Name DescriptionPrice
OnyxMultifunction utility for verifying the structure of the system files; running miscellaneous maintenance and cleaning tasks; configuring parameters in the Finder, Dock, Safari, and some Apple applications; deleting caches; removing certain problematic folders and files; rebuilding various databases and indexes; and much more. donationware
EtreCheckProFind serious problems on your Mac; remove adware; get assistance within Apple Support Communities; see extensive hardware and software details. free
($17.99 for Power User Package)

SilentKnightChecks EFI firmware, security settings and data files for your Mac and can update them; has both a summary Help page and a detailed reference. free
DriveDxExtensive diagnostic and testing for SSDs and hard drives in your Mac. $19.99
(free demo)
MalwarebytesMalware scanner and repair tool for viruses, ransomware, and adware. free
(Premium starting at $3.75/mo.)
MactrackerProvides detailed information on nearly every Apple electronic product ever made, including items such as processor speed, memory, graphic cards, supported OS versions, price, storage, and expansion options. Also included is information on all Mac and iOS operating

Apple Downloads
Apple Product Feedback
Apple Bug Reporter

Other Troubleshooting Forums and Sites:
Apple Support Community
MacRumors Forums
Mac Troubleshooting Articles (The Eclectic Light Company)
Macintosh Slowdown Solutions (Randy B. Singer)

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ReplyMessage PreviewFromRecsPosted
6549So far for the few playlists I've tested it downloads the entire playlist. clean861January 5
6548Thanks for that info, I'd have been very surprised if they hadn't added Zen Dollar Round-January 5
6547I use Spotify and there is an option to download the music from play lists to myclean861January 4
6546greg I upgraded my original iPod Classic 7th generation to a 256GB flash drDon Green1January 4
6545Thank you, Don. For my uses, my old iPod Nano's are fine. But Zen's higreg s-January 3
6544Well now, this is very cool! I'll check it out!greg s1January 3
6543I also have this model and have had for about 10 years est? I think it was the Don Green-January 3
6542Did you see this post years ago, or try any mod like the ones there? The site iZen Dollar Round-January 3
6541I bought four iPod Nano's years ago, each with 16GB storage. I download to greg s2January 3
6540> When I asked my son a Major Mac user he told me Spotify! lol! young peopZen Dollar Round1January 3
6539Does anyone recommend installing an antivirus app for iPhones? I have a 13 ProMaStan-12/30/2024
6538Apple security updates (Dec. 11, 2024) Apple issued another big batch Zen Dollar Round-12/11/2024
6537Apple bug fixes: macOS 15.0.1, iOS 18.0.1 et al Along with security patches, Zen Dollar Round-10/5/2024
6536It won't remove embedded ads within videos like YouTube has, but it removes Zen Dollar Round-9/27/2024
6535I recorded a video of using it from my Mac with the built in tool for that, but Zen Dollar Round-9/27/2024
6534Interesting feature will be useful for some things that are totally annoying, toclean86-9/27/2024
6533Just found that option will check it out and report back.clean8619/27/2024
6532Has anyone tried Safari 18's new Hide Distracting Items feature yet? It'Zen Dollar Round-9/26/2024
6531macOS 15 Sequoia issues People using Appleā€™s new macOS 15 Sequoia report variouZen Dollar Round-9/25/2024
6530Mac firmware support Howard Oakley has been tracking Mac firmware updates and AZen Dollar Round-9/25/2024
6529iOS 18 touchscreen bugs People using iOS 18 and iPadOS 18 report annoying touchZen Dollar Round-9/25/2024
6528Very good to know, thank you! I know Quicken 2007 hung on for a long time for MaZen Dollar Round-9/21/2024
6527update on Quicken My older Mac finally died. Probably needs a new battery. I keBroken_Clock19/21/2024
6526> Ventura upgrade was smooth as silk only had to update my welcome tablet driZen Dollar Round19/21/2024
6525Ventura upgrade was smooth as silk only had to update my welcome tablet driver. clean8619/21/2024
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