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Technology Stocks
Qualcomm - Titanic of the wireless industry?
An SI Board Since July 2009
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116 9 0 QCOM
Emcee:  henry8 Type:  Unmoderated
When Qualcomm and CDMA first appeared on the world scene both were hailed as the future of the wireless industry. Today, though, CDMA still lags GSM in the number of subscribers with CDMA having 480 million subscribers while GSM has 3.8 billion. CDMA also saw subscriber growth of only 29 million people the year ending March 2009. Most recently, Nortel, a key major CDMA infrastructure supplier, has declared bankruptcy and sold its CDMA assets to Ericsson, at one time the arch enemy of CDMA. With the exit of Nortel from the CDMA infrastructure market, the major CDMA infrastructure companies remaining are Ericsson, Alcatel-Lucent and Motorola. Will Qualcomm and CDMA be able to survive with only these infrastructure suppliers? Will the Chinese infrastructure companies be able to substitute for Nortel? Will Ericsson's and Alcatel-Lucent's heavy dependence on GSM prejudice their product development and marketing? And what about Nokia? Will Nokia assist in the migration to 3G CDMA or will it try to protect its installed base of 3.8 billion GSM subscribers?
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116Speaking of the Titanic, anyone remember Bernie Ebbers and Worldcom? Some highlveritas5011/6/2013
115"It seems you prefer to be an umpire though." What would you have peoveritas50112/7/2012
114Wow you are very concerned with QCOM and Mirasol! I think QCOM did pretty wellCrackheadBob11/7/2012
113Well, after another 8 months of diligent searching, I've found a Mirasol hanveritas50110/29/2012
112If people are wondering the reason for my absence, it's because I've beeveritas5012/1/2012
111Here is another acorn: From FastCompany: Qualcomm to Spend $2 Billion on E-inkveritas5016/6/2011
109Enjoy your feast of sour grapes. Even a stopped clock is right more often than yJeffreyHF6/6/2011
108<b>Mirasol, Mirasol, where art thou?</b> From Wired Magazine: Blacveritas5016/6/2011
107Well, the CDG has finally come clean on CDMA subscriber figures. The year over veritas5016/5/2011
106Nokia Siemens has completed the acquisition of Motorola's wireless infrastruveritas5015/1/2011
105It's illustrative of Qualcomm's "other people's property is Quaveritas5013/23/2011
104Why don't you add up all the CDMA2000, WCDMA, and TD-SCDMA subscribers worldJeffreyHF3/20/2011
103So, when is Qualcomm going to deliver that one billion of CDMA subscribers?veritas5012/22/2011
102Nice grub, Blimmer, and the most intelligent post on this pathetic thread, to daJeffreyHF2/22/2011
101You are a brave man, blimfark.veritas5012/22/2011
99If someone has something to say to me, they can say it right here. Don't beveritas5012/22/2011
98I see the lemmings are bidding up QCOM -- again. Curious as to the source of thveritas5012/22/2011
97The CDG released 3Q figures for 2010. No surprises. Latin America continues toveritas5012/17/2011
96Hey! When is the CDG going to publish the CDMA subscriber figures for the 3rd qveritas5011/30/2011
95What did I say? CDG released the latest CDMA subscriber figures as of June 2010veritas50110/22/2010
94I thought this would be of interest since Ericsson is one of the largest CDMA inveritas5017/23/2010
93Final nail in the coffin? Not that Motorola liked Qualcomm anyway <b>Motoveritas5017/18/2010
92What happened? QCOM stock sinking like a stone. Destination: $10/shareveritas5017/2/2010
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