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Hedge Funds Watch, methods and practice,
An SI Board Since November 2008
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20 1 0
Emcee:  dvdw© Type:  Moderated
Noticed that there was no dedicated board on SI that focused on methods and practice of Hedge Funds.
I was very surprised that within the SI Forum titles, there was no category for Hedge Funds (as if no one was interested).

Hedge Funds as a category of Investment, have control over so much money via migration over the last ten years, one would think there would be much to learn from the activities of this category.

As we now appear to be in a rough patch for all investment categories, it might be a good time to capture news, by way of understanding focusing on hedge funds and how they manage thier strategies and tactics in periods of uncertainty.

Periods of uncertainty always lead to revalations, as hindsight.
The stories yet to be printed, will add significant value to students of general market systemics.

Contributions should be topical, contain stories containing information relative to the methods, practices, personalities, etc associated with the modern hedge fund.
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ReplyMessage PreviewFromRecsPosted
20Out take from the previous post; The Roundtable and Regulation Recently, Goldstdvdw©-1/16/2009
18Roundtable Sheds Light On ‘Secretive’ Industry December 19, 2008 Not many peopldvdw©-1/16/2009
17Hedge Funds Will Be Ruined by Withdrawal Limits: Matthew Lynn Email | Print | Advdw©-1/6/2009
16Investor demands fund checks By James Mackintosh Published: December 23 2008 23dvdw©-12/24/2008
153 article links Hedge Funds were Supposed to be different©-12/9/2008
14NOVEMBER 30, 2008, 9:12 P.M. ET Exchange-Traded Funds The Tricks of the ETF Traddvdw©-12/1/2008
13New investment landscape will produce hedge fund winners and losers, says Watsondvdw©-11/26/2008
12The Tonkin people are offering this seminar to Hedge fund managers, because theydvdw©-11/25/2008
11Commodity Portfolio Allocation Asia 2008 Click here to rate this event. Wed, dvdw©-11/25/2008
10Features and benefits of a quality clearing operation are highlighted in this pidvdw©-11/25/2008
9Hedge fund activist makes news; Manzke ‘Disgusted’ by Hedge Funds, Seeks Investodvdw©-11/24/2008
8JO Hambro Shuts Hedge Fund After VW-Porsche Trade (Update2) By Tom Cahill Novdvdw©-11/20/2008
7Reply, the failure to understand the following paragraph, is the source for the dvdw©-11/19/2008
6Two articles from Bloomberg...both have generalized commentary relating one to tdvdw©-11/19/2008
5Here are two pieces with comments about disparate deals one activist mangers weidvdw©-11/18/2008
4Adaptation, or something else? Hedgeweek Comment: The re-emergence of private eqdvdw©-11/18/2008
3omg, the world will end because of shorts. OMG !!Brasco One-11/17/2008
2Basserdan brought this hard hitting piece over from Ihub, it contains an interesdvdw©-11/17/2008
1This is a good piece, because it tells the reader something about the general thdvdw©-11/17/2008
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