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Technology Stocks
A Bob Brinker Fan and Critic Club
An SI Board Since June 2007
Posts SubjectMarks Bans Symbol
123 10 0 QQQ
Emcee:  Kirk © Type:  Moderated
This link gives a summary of Bob Brinker's QQQQ advice that he doesn't talk about and has copies of his bulletins.

As a newsletter writer (see my profile) it bothers me greatly that Bob Brinker doesn't include that QQQQ advice in his reported performance. It gives a bad name to the whole industry and subtracts greatly from Bob's long history of helping people avoid being taken advantage of.

To keep out the troublemakers, I've made this is a very exclusive club. Please don't post here unless you have asked to join the club by email and I've accepted you into the club.
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ReplyMessage PreviewFromPosted
123RIP Bob Brinker Robert Brinker Obituary | Rivera Family Funeral Home-Santa Fe FKirk ©8/20/2024
122Thanks for sharing that sad news. He helped educate a lot of people, a good legKirk ©8/20/2024
120After he sent the QQQ bulletin in 2000, many didn't get it. I was gettingETF18/15/2014
119After he sent the QQQ bulletin in 2000, many didn't get it. I was getting Kirk ©8/15/2014
118Kirk, Someone on Honeybee's blog [j m] has estimated how much Bob Brinker hETF18/15/2014
117This is a good summary except it missed the "gift horse buy" Brinker gKirk ©8/14/2014
116For help on how to use this site, see Subject 58264Kirk ©8/14/2014
115Kirk, My reply: Message 29668338 How do you reference a message like that? WhETF18/13/2014
114Posts about Bob Brinker from elsewhere to save: My reply: Message 29668338 TKirk ©8/13/2014
113Posts about Bob Brinker from elsewhere to save: Message 29667631 To: Honey_beKirk ©8/13/2014
112New Series I Bond & EE Bonds Interest Rates On November 1, 2013, the BureauKirk ©11/6/2013
111New Series I Bond Interest Rates On November 1, 2013, the Bureau of the PublicKirk ©11/6/2013
110Thanks. <eom>Investor210/7/2013
109Bob Brinker's Market Outlook. Bob Brinker's October Stock and Bond MarKirk ©10/6/2013
108I get emails from Schwab that include links to Sonders' videos and articles.Investor26/29/2013
107do you get an email from sonders?rsie6/29/2013
106RE: "do you follow anyone else?" I also follow a number of SI folks,Investor26/28/2013
105I took some nice profits in May then when the market went lower, I did some fairKirk ©6/27/2013
104the concept was to sidestep a bear market. ? do you follow anyone else? inrsie6/27/2013
103the concept was to sidestep a bear market. ? do you follow anyone else? inrsie6/27/2013
102Re: "in your opinion how long can the stock market continue to go up?"Investor26/26/2013
101True, but you might be better off not hearing the timely changes at all. See Kirk ©6/26/2013
100I2, in your opinion how long can the stock market continue to go up? do you rsie6/26/2013
99Concerned about the potential adverse impact of rising interest rates and that fBoca_PETE6/26/2013
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