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Dividend investing for retirement
An SI Board Since November 2006
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34323 746 0
Emcee:  Steve Felix Type:  Moderated
A place to share info and have discussion, mostly on dividend stocks, but including ETFs, CEFs, mutual funds, and other income producing investments. The overall goal being to build a growing income stream, portfolio growth being secondary. With an abundance of very intelligent and experienced posters, and no real functioning retirement board on SI, imho a good place for any retirement questions or concerns.

My personal favorite book to give any young person. The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clason

Two thread favorite reads:

The Single Best Investment: Creating Wealth with Dividend Growth by Lowell Miller

2006 Edition available as a free PDF online. Introduction and first 46 pages required reading imho.

The Ultimate Dividend Playbook: Income, Insight and Independence for Today's Investor by Josh Peters

Descriptions of Achievers, Aristocrats, and Champions:

Message 26976538

Printable list here:

Here's a handy website (courtesy of another board). The home page gives dividends, total return, dividend growth rate for various time periods and the like for any stock going back as far as 1970.

There's also a drop down menu ( top right ) where you can pull up inflation rate, S&P earnings and the like since 1960.

This site will give you a the 3 and 5 year dividend growth.

Dividend Safety Scores:

Another helpful site:

A few more some could find handy:

Stock screener:
All things closed end funds:
Dividend news:
Preferred stocks and baby bonds:

I am going to track my IRA here and update it monthly. Anyone who would like to do the same, I will link to the header. Real world always being better than hypothetical.

Current portfolio:Longer term short term day trades. Message Board - Msg: 33599951 (

You can start at the beginning and follow over time by reading replies:

Message 26288005
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ReplyMessage PreviewFromRecsPosted
34323After all these years, I guess I should say, I sold the last of my KBR and gave Ditchdigger1last Monday
34322Hi, I have IRA accounts at Schwab & Merrill. I also used to have a "mbugdoc82-12/16/2024
34321Thanks Sisyphus, I see this can be a better option. I will park some cash therLogain Ablar111/29/2024
34320It's there. See below: [graphic] Of course, buying T-bills direct is superiSisyphus-11/28/2024
34319Hi Sisyphus: I didn't find SGOV in the Schwab list. Maybe I'm missing Logain Ablar-11/28/2024
34318Hey Steve, What you listed in your post is all new territory for me , but I'temco2-11/24/2024
34317I have moved numerous accounts for myself and others to what is now Schwab by juSteve Felix211/24/2024
34316Thank you....noted! I've been 100% exposed to stock mutual funds since the temco2-11/24/2024
34315Thanks, I'll look into SGOV.Logain Ablar-11/24/2024
34314Thank you, all noted!temco2111/24/2024
34313I second the electronic (ACAT) transfer process. PRWCX is a T Rowe Price mutuaGraustus111/24/2024
34312A 401k is a different animal from an IRA although they functionally are similar.Thehammer211/24/2024
34311Good morning, I'll check that, thanks.temco2-11/24/2024
34310I would expect that you should be able to log into your new TRowe account and inresearch1234111/24/2024
34309Will do Paul, thanks. I vaguely remember some discussion from one of the repstemco2-11/23/2024
34308I like Schwab better than Merrill. If you are looking to for a place to park caSisyphus111/23/2024
34307Chiming in: 1) I'll guess there is a wire transfer available. 2) Double-Paul Senior111/23/2024
34306Thank you sir! I'll see if TRowe has similar offerings. I've enjoyed ttemco2-11/23/2024
34305Always good to check what Vanguard offers as they are/have the lowest fees in thE_K_S211/23/2024
34304Good morning Tim, Thanks for the reply. I'm very grateful. After I posted temco2-11/23/2024
34303Hi temco2: I'm at Schwab, it is less expensive than Merrill, both in straigLogain Ablar211/23/2024
34302ok, thank you!temco2-11/22/2024
34301Neither Fidelity nor Schwab charge fees for IRA maintenance.research1234-11/22/2024
34300Hello friends, SI member since 2000. Left my corporation in Oct 2022 . Now 62temco2-11/22/2024
34299A couple of tidbits from the UNM conference call Q&A . I certainly don'tDitchdigger111/4/2024
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