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An SI Board Since June 2006
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Emcee:  skinowski Type:  Moderated
Will change the character of this board. Think of it as “Observations and Collectables II”.
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242Oil seasonality [X] Could crude oil soar? Absolutely. Is seasonality a roadmapskinowski-7/2/2024
241XLE seasonality [X] History suggests "Yes" (i.e., price will fail). Could enerskinowski-7/2/2024
240June the strongest month for QQQ. Also, highs for the year. [X] An opportunityskinowski-6/22/2024
239Seasonality [X] Several market sectors are entering significant seasonal perioskinowski-6/13/2024
238Days of the month / year swingtradesystems.comskinowski-6/13/2024
237Yahoo article on commodity ETFs by 2024 performance
236QQQ for SPY cxoadvisory.comskinowski-3/5/2024
235XLI:XLU leading? [X] 4th quarter 2023 clues from 12/5/2023 @sentimentraderhttpskinowski-3/2/2024
234BTC seasonality [X] In all candor, I still don't really understand what I own skinowski-2/27/2024
232‘Deadly serious’: U.S. quietly urging Taiwan to follow Ukraine playbook for counskinowski-5/21/2022
231[X]— David P. Goldman (@davidpgoldman) August 22, 2021 skinowski-9/7/2021
230Message 33476655skinowski-9/7/2021
229[X] When I was Three I was hardly me. When I was Four, I was not much more. Whskinowski-7/2/2021
228First Day Performance of Each Month Posted on July 1, 2021 by Rob Hanna Sinceskinowski27/2/2021
227of the table. [graphic]Below I have listed the performance of exchange-traded fskinowski-9/3/2020
226Another version, using SPHD data on the underlying index is skinowski-1/28/2020
225Another one, by the same author, extending the dataset back to 1976. Results stskinowski11/23/2020
224From the same article [graphic]skinowski-1/22/2020
223Low Vol (excerpt) >>>> The table below lists performance figures foskinowski11/22/2020
222Years ending in 0 [X] Dow Industrials Years Ending in "0"..... pic.twitter.comskinowski-1/15/2020
221Last 12 y returns by asset class [X] Asset Class returns since 2008... pic.twiskinowski-1/2/2020
220[graphic]SA on dividend stocks Re-evaluate whether behavioral biases like mentaskinowski-12/16/2019
219SPX seasonality - day by day [X] Over the past 20 years, right about now tendsskinowski-12/11/2019
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