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Technology Stocks
Media Industries: Newspapers, TV, Radio, Movies, Online
An SI Board Since March 2006
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6750 62 1 NFLX
Emcee:  Ron Type:  Moderated
With advancements in technology the media sector is far broader than just a few years ago.
This board will focus on media as a business: Profit, loss, innovation, problems, trends, employment and technology.
Political comments will be OK only as long as they are related to market moves.

An Overview:

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ReplyMessage PreviewFromRecsPosted
6750Please cross post.S. maltophilia-yesterday
6749The Political Press: Politico is Upset that Harris Stuck to Her Talking Points Ron1yesterday
6748No doubt many to follow: Lionsgate signs deal to allow an AI firm to access itsRon-Wednesday
6747TikTok begins its court fight to stay in the US morningbrew.comRon-Tuesday
6746Instagram Overhauls Safety Measures: All Teen Accounts Made Private, New Age VeRon-Tuesday
6745Margaret Sullivan at Chautauqua on the decline of local news [youtube video]Ron-Monday
6744Privileging the Lie: The Media doesn't get it quite right findinggravity.neRon-Monday
6743Hmmmm... maybe: [X] Rarely have I seen AI described so succinctly. pic.twitteRon1Monday
6742ABC’s Matter-of-Fact Moderators Built Factual Guardrails Around Trump Calmly andRon-last Friday
6741Laura Loomer’s Greatest Hits Loomer has initiated or promoted 17 of the provablyRon-last Friday
6740Travails of the Rich and Greedy Rupert Murdoch demanded his kids give him $100Ron1last Friday
6739Spotify is moving into video distribution. Spotify is making offers, some reaRon-last Friday
6738In blow to Newsmax, judge rules Smartmatic’s case over 2020 election lies will gRon1September 12
6737Two brothers from Pennsylvania and New Jersey who allegedly assaulted a New YorkRon-September 12
6736In Major Deal, Max and Discovery+ Will Join Charter Video Bundle as Warner MakesRon-September 12
6735Early audience numbers: 60 million viewers tuned in for last night’s presidRon-September 11
6734Trump Biopic gets an October release in the U.S. vulture.comRon-September 11
6733DJT stock (Trump Social) down $3 a share this morning. 11
6732I guess if I lose vision, I'll learn to like them, and they are a blessing fS. maltophilia-September 10
6731The proliferation of audio books and podcasts has opened up options for many peoRon-September 10
6730Strange., I feel like I'm the last person on earth that disdains listening tS. maltophilia-September 10
6729Amazon is allowing Audible narrators to clone themselves with AI theverge.coRon-September 10
6728DirecTV is now paying customers to subscribe to competitors as Disney battle escRon-September 10
6727Pushing Lies: An example from NewsGuard Pro-Kremlin accounts are circulatinRon1September 10
6726npr.orgS. maltophilia-September 9
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