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SVXA - Sovereign Exploration Associates International, Inc
An SI Board Since November 2005
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64 2 0 SVXA
Emcee:  jmhollen Type:  Moderated
Sovereign Exploration Associates International, Inc. (OTCBB SVXA): provides equity and long-term debt financing to small and medium-sized private companies in a variety of industries throughout the United States. The Company investment in private companies consists of capital in the form of debt with or without equity features, such as warrants or options, offered referred to as mezzanine financing. In certain situations the Company may choose to take a controlling equity position in a company. As of June 30, 2005, the Company had investments in six controlled (portfolio) companies, including Buehler Earth & Waterworks, LLC, Sports Nation, Inc., TSB Financial Services, Inc., Wellstone Ac. Corp., TS&B Gaming & Ent. Corp., and TS&B Ventures, Inc. The Company also has interests in Gulf Coast Records, LLC (49%), KMA Capital Partners, Ltd. (25%) and NEX2U (less than 5%).
Website: T.B.D.
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64I sit corrected. I just assumed any other company may have income. Sxvp did anstockster5-1/22/2006
63I believe you are mistaken. Strat Petroleum as SPRU was a new entity R/M'd jmhollen-1/20/2006
62Oh sure, Hollen. That company actually had an income and a pe ratio. tb...,calstockster5-1/19/2006
61o/t: SPRU-SPRL, a 13:1. $0.0022 became 0.03, rose from there, never revisitedjmhollen-1/17/2006
60Well...this one was certainly interesting.. opened at 3.80 now at 1.04rrm_bcnu-1/17/2006
59An R/S is NEVER good for the common shareholder with under 10 million held. Thestockster5-1/16/2006
58I got out as well back when the Creede found the O/S increase. I've never serrm_bcnu-1/16/2006
57Sovereign Exploration Associates International, Inc. Announces Reverse Stock Splrrufff-1/16/2006
56Sounds like they may be needing some of their previous corporation's productjmhollen-1/16/2006
55Did you see the 1-E yet? Right on friday. I still just don't see creede-1/16/2006
54I figured it would r/s with that o/s. I didn't know it actually was going trrufff-1/16/2006
53I saw that on RB. Some as saying it's a good thing(probably a bagholder.lolcreede-1/16/2006
52Reverse Split Tuesday 1/1000 otcbb.comrrufff-1/15/2006
51I also think people should look at this link:
50Thanks for your input. Please check your <b>SI MAIL</b> in the tooljmhollen-1/2/2006
49Wow, awesome DD, awesome find. Well, at least it puts to bed the idea that theycreede-1/2/2006
48Well, here's some DD for you... This is what most salvstockster5-1/2/2006
47Now, that sounds like a plan................ John :-) .jmhollen-1/2/2006
46Thank you. A few calls to management will perhaps straighten out the whole thincreede-1/2/2006
45Hey, it takes a lot of time and effort to just get a decent looking Board up anjmhollen-1/2/2006
44Agree completely. Good on ya Creede!rrm_bcnu-1/2/2006
43<i>I gladly congratulate 'rrm' on his shrewd timing. However, it lrrm_bcnu-1/2/2006
42You're to be commended - you did the right thing. It's not like the &qurrufff-1/2/2006
41Creede. Some may disagree, but it is better to have the correct numbers. From whrrm_bcnu-1/2/2006
40That info certainly seems to have a potential <i>"..Land of the <ujmhollen-1/2/2006
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