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Technology Stocks
Lightwave Logic, Inc.
An SI Board Since August 2005
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1809 47 0 LWLG
Emcee:  XenaLives Type:  Moderated
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ReplyMessage PreviewFromRecsPosted
1809So now that IHUB has gone toxic, hoping to get some more attention on this boardXenaLives-8/8/2024
1808Nothing like a jump in LWLG to bring me back to SI. :)caly-7/16/2024
1807Critical DD: KCCO7913 Re: tedpeele post# 174949 Wednesday, January 10, 2024 XenaLives-2/12/2024
1806The board header needs to be cleaned up - Anyone want to be the moderator? I wiXenaLives-2/8/2024
1805Hi Xena… thanks for posting so much detailed and relevant LWLG information. It’Todmohr-1/20/2024
1804I would really love to see more discussion over here...XenaLives-1/12/2024
1803Recent trades >=1K 09/01/23 16:01:58 6.02 5.85 6.35 7 09/01/23 16:01:58 6.0XenaLives-9/1/2023
1802Fascinating: [youtube video]XenaLives-9/1/2023
18012017 Optica paper on "Nonlinearities of organic electro-optic materials iXenaLives-9/1/2023
1800How Lidar works, from Smart Photonics... [youtube video] See detailed discussiXenaLives-9/1/2023
1799Lebby featured in Smart Photonics video - 3 minutes in: [youtube video]XenaLives-9/1/2023
1798Great posts by Lighteningrod.... Why does slide 28 not give the yield percentagXenaLives-9/1/2023
1797Recent trades >= 1K Very interesting EOD. 08/31/23 16:07:24 6.31 6.35 6.58 XenaLives-9/1/2023
1796Reddit DD thread: reddit.comXenaLives-9/1/2023
1795Lightwave Logic Talks Commercialization of its Electro-optic Polymer Materials +XenaLives-9/1/2023
1794Wall Street Transcript Interview (TWST) with Dr. Lebby - August 17, 2023 TWST: XenaLives-9/1/2023
1793IHUB has become a sewer with the recent change in rules....XenaLives-8/31/2023
1792Pure B.S. Insiders are not selling sharesXenaLives-1/26/2023
1791option for those who do not want to feed the trolls on IHUB. Wouldn't want agreg s-1/26/2023
1790IMO - Silicon investor is a better option for those who do not want to feed theXenaLives-1/26/2023
1789not getting a lot of love herePaul Lee-6/29/2021
1788It's been a long and winding road. :)caly-6/10/2021
1787The recent rise in share price is a reaction to the video released on May 27 inFruno16/8/2021
1786Lightwave Logic Provides Corporate Update on Strategic Intellectual Property Devcaly-1/29/2021
1785Lightwave Logic Announces its Proprietary Polymer Technology Compatible with StaPaul Lee-10/15/2020
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