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<b>Aquariums - Fresh & Salt
An SI Board Since March 2005
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Emcee:  goldworldnet Type:  Unmoderated
I have a 220 I want to get going again.
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102Turtles are cold blooded which means they need to eat more as the water gets warSIer formerly known as Joe B.-6/21/2005
101Over the weekend my turtles ate the catfish that had been their tankmate for fouredfish-6/21/2005
100The German Ram's eggs hatched! There's about 50 babies and the parents SIer formerly known as Joe B.-5/30/2005
99Anybody familiar w/ German Rams? They're like bionic hardy large Blue Rams.SIer formerly known as Joe B.-5/24/2005
98I got some nice fish breeding at work. African Cichlids called Yellow LabidichroSIer formerly known as Joe B.-4/28/2005
97I'm having a blast with a 265 gal. freshwater tank I setup last month at worSIer formerly known as Joe B.-4/12/2005
96I get it. I'm an amateur woodworker, meaning I own about every tool but am mSiouxPal-3/18/2005
95After considerable thought I think I’ve figured out how to lift this tank and stgoldworldnet-3/18/2005
94With age comes patience. We'll be here with you all the way my friend. SiouSiouxPal-3/18/2005
93Salt for sure. I like the external filtration Joe came up with. Drilling holes igoldworldnet-3/18/2005
92Any decision on salt or fresh?SiouxPal-3/18/2005
91Also they aren't feeding their aquatic turtles right, they are all as big arredfish-3/13/2005
90That's why they're broke. :•(SiouxPal-3/12/2005
89With good filtration over time you can crowd but not quite as much as w/AfricansSIer formerly known as Joe B.-3/12/2005
88Coming from a cichlid background, I used to crowd the tank. I did btw have a cougoldworldnet-3/12/2005
87BTW I just realized something, the price on the overflow boxes is good but the pSIer formerly known as Joe B.-3/12/2005
86There are no dwarf saltwater rays available in the pet trade, I doubt any exist SIer formerly known as Joe B.-3/12/2005
85The New Orleans aquarium is very nice, I've been there three times. The Natredfish-3/12/2005
84Are there any dwarf rays for salt and what do you feed them? * * *goldworldnet-3/12/2005
83Correct, they all get to at leat 18". There are stingrays sold as Teacup SSIer formerly known as Joe B.-3/12/2005
824 out of 5 of the stingrays in my pool were born in the New Orleans Aquarium. ISIer formerly known as Joe B.-3/12/2005
81Correct.SIer formerly known as Joe B.-3/12/2005
80So the maxireef works without holes and I can just hang the collector on the sidgoldworldnet-3/12/2005
79"Dead" coral is just decorative, live coral are organisms that need spSIer formerly known as Joe B.-3/12/2005
78I designed and made my own filter out of 2 vats and a bottomless 10 gal tank. ThSIer formerly known as Joe B.-3/12/2005
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