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Technology Stocks
Network Associates (NET)
An SI Board Since June 1996
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6021 41 0 NET
Emcee:  Tim Robbins Type:  Unmoderated
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6021Nice tat!Great stuff. Thanks for sharing us.german cruz-5/10/2011
6020Anyone know the deal with the stock option repricing scheme they did just when tAlienTech-10/15/2010
6019Ever since I got sick I been trying to stay away from news that are depressing oAlienTech-5/18/2005
6018re Settlements, I got more than enought to buy a few new copies of VirusScan. Ojing Eo-4/10/2005
6017How much did you get? I did not even bother to apply. Wont be worth the time. ItAlienTech-10/2/2004
6016Let me get this right... He made 1.4 million but only has to pay a fine of 250K?AlienTech-10/2/2004
6015Maybe they should start selling pizza...AlienTech-10/2/2004
6014NETA sells Network General (sniffer) and changes name back to McAfee. Party liOjing Eo-4/27/2004
6013[comment: like he could pay restitution from bringing the stock drown from $66Ojing Eo-6/16/2003
6012best wishes deenoVictor Lazlo-3/28/2003
6011Yea, probably booked in the Dinar as Dollars "by mistake" so they can deeno-3/28/2003
6010Network associates provides the hosting and site maintenance for al jeezeera.Victor Lazlo-3/27/2003
6009Hey, you were the only poster in the past year. Amazing how dead this once highConan-3/26/2003
6008Got another class action settlement cheque this month.Ojing Eo-3/25/2003 NETA tumbled 11 percent yesterday after it disclosed that federal rOjing Eo-3/29/2002
6006Cheque from <b>Rosenthal & Co.</b> received, re litigation againOjing Eo-3/24/2002
6005I remember the good old days when could keep the ticker symbols cOjing Eo-3/24/2002
6004hangin around the old graveyard? just had to check in on this thread after a fewDeath Sphincter-3/18/2002
6003Time to read the fine print? Heres a part from the article.. accounting tricks AlienTech-3/1/2002
6002You mean they can sue me for saying their crappy program crashed my machine and AlienTech-3/1/2002
6001NETA is now NET. Ticker symbol change as NAI moves to the NYSE. <b>Ojing&Ojing Eo-2/14/2002
6000"Excite is running an article about how New York is suing McAfee over whatOjing Eo-2/8/2002
5999The CEO of Network Associates has admitted current anti- virus software leaves sOjing Eo-1/29/2002
5998I havent really followed this company is years so have no clue. But looking at AlienTech-1/19/2002
5997Does this movement make any sense? If it keeps going this way I'll have my deeno-1/4/2002
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