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The 2004 Bigmouth Election Challenge
An SI Board Since June 2004
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588 9 0
Emcee:  Quahog Type:  Unmoderated
Are you convinced that you already know the outcome of the upcoming Presidential election?

Have you been flapping your gums nonstop since the primaries regarding how the candidate on the other side has no chance?

Do you have more than five posts on the GWB thread that aren't grub related?

Well then, it is time to put up or shut up.

I am willing to bet that I know who is going to win the next Presidential election, and if I am wrong I promise not to post on SI for an entire year. The year will begin immediately upon my candidate's concession of defeat, and my last post will be a hearty congratulations to the other side.

For the record, I predict that John Kerry will defeat George W. Bush and become our next President.

So what do you say, bigmouths of SI. I'm talking to both Bush and Kerry supporters. If enough of us take the pledge, then no matter who wins SI will be a much more peaceful and probably more investment oriented site for a year. So, it is win-win as far as I can tell.

Losers can have iHub.

By making a post to this thread, and making a prediction, you agree that if you are wrong you will refrain from posting on SI for a year following the concession of your candidate.

Good luck.


The 2004 Bigmouth Honor Roll

Fritz Tegularius
Subject 54978

Jorj X. McKie
Message 20190445

Message 20192743

Message 20195709

Message 20196868

Message 20199488

Message 20210397
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ReplyMessage PreviewFromPosted
588Hey there Mr. McKie, Yeah, well, I too have decided to just stop posting about Quahog9/8/2008
587I'm not a big fan of either the Republican or Democrat candidate. What I doJorj X Mckie9/6/2008
586Losing this bet was one of the best things that ever happened to me, insofar as Quahog9/3/2008
585I heart Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. I used to heart Dennis Kucinich, but now I waQuahog2/15/2008
584that is sweetness [no wonder why we missed him] all you want to do is smoooooRainy_Day_Woman11/14/2005
583That's the problem with being the guy who makes up the bet, you kind of haveQuahog11/10/2005
582I have to say, the hardest part of not posting was reading about your Dad's Quahog11/10/2005
581Thanks, Mr. Balls, it's good to be back. Although, I am so in the habit of Quahog11/10/2005
580<b>YOU'RE BACK</b>!!!!!! you have been sorely missed suh and dRainy_Day_Woman11/4/2005
579Welcome back Fritz!!!Jorj X Mckie11/4/2005
578Well, there was an SI Wet T-Shirt contest whilst you were away... <i>&quoBill Ulrich11/4/2005
577Doh!! I probably should sit out of betting on national events for a little whilQuahog11/4/2005
576Thanks. Did I miss anything?Quahog11/4/2005
575<i>-- despite the fact that you misspelled "smooch"--</i> Quahog11/4/2005
574Buenos noches Senor Fritz, Any more well thought out wagers you'd care to oEL KABONG!!!11/4/2005
573Welcome back. I'll put on some chowder. <g>Bill Ulrich11/4/2005
572Well yay! A man of his (and my) word -- despite the fact that you misspelled &Poet11/3/2005
570Group sigh.SI Dave11/3/2005
568I think that in less than a month he will ride into town with the answerRainy_Day_Woman10/10/2005
567was tempted to send an 'i gots to know' email... but i figured what'MulhollandDrive10/4/2005
566guessing it's his wayRainy_Day_Woman10/4/2005
565so you think he just wanted to keep us guessing, eh?MulhollandDrive10/4/2005
564non he never would admit 549 was correct he even said it wasn't but we knRainy_Day_Woman10/4/2005
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