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Casavant Mining Kimberlite International (CMKM)
An SI Board Since February 2004
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2593 32 0 CMKX
Emcee:  bullNbear Type:  Moderated
CMKM Diamonds Inc
(CMKX) Revoked

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2593Wow! Watch for those CMKI ER Payout trucks! Any Day now! Maybe... ----------DanDerr-12/28/2014
2592US v. John Edwards et al (CMKM) - »Case Update: CMKM The puscion-2/27/2014
2591Man in diamond mine scandal dead but certainly not forgotten Posted date FebruStockDung-2/26/2014
2590The Definition of Insanity - Al Hodges: ---------------------------------------DanDerr-12/27/2013
2589 From: DanDerr 5/15/2013 9:10:30 AM of 3504 More insanity! But great for laugDanDerr-5/15/2013
2588Scary to think that idiots like this roam freely amongst us!! See my last post oDanDerr-5/15/2013
2587...they are doing so under STATUTORY LAW the lowest of law, statutory law is thescion-5/14/2013
2586We already have been at the World Court/International Court being represented tDanDerr-5/14/2013
2585Re CMKX - demand for $3.87 trillion from the SEC commissioners - May 13 2013 Petscion-5/13/2013
2584LOL! The saga now does not continue! Great job, Al!!!!DanDerr-5/13/2013
2583Dealing With Fraud by Denial By FLOYD NORRIS March 11, 2010 Years after CharlesStockDung-3/12/2010
2582CMKM Diamonds Kelowna litigant has more theories 2010-03-02 13:36 ET - Street scion-3/2/2010
2581Indictments in CMKM Diamonds Naked Shorting Scam Friday, September 18, 2009 gaStockDung-9/18/2009
2580DOJ Issues Six Criminal Indictments in CMKM Diamonds Case September 17, 2009 average joe-9/18/2009
2579CMKM Diamonds, Inc. Continues to Try and Identify Shareholders Last update: 5:CBurnett-6/9/2008
2578I guess I was more than wrong on that one...a den of thieves all...CBurnett-4/14/2008
2577<i>"ROGER GLENN'S involvement nullifies your argument. eom."average joe-4/12/2008
2576CMKM Diamonds players face stiff penalties in SEC suit 2008-04-0StockDung-4/9/2008
2575That was quite a slap on the wrist. I want restitution.CBurnett-4/7/2008
2574SEC Charges Fourteen Defendants In Scheme To Issue And Sell Unregistered Cmkm Dianniebonny-4/7/2008
2573Sooooooo...I have been hearing Accadacca says a buyout is coming ! I ask a buyouCBurnett-10/13/2007
2572So what you are saying is an illegal activity was applied to another illegal actCBurnett-5/16/2007
2570Truthy, I thought the whole stock thing was a sham orchestrated by Urban and hiCBurnett-5/16/2007
2569"Frizzell states, proves they manipulated CMKM stock by creating and sellinStockDung-5/16/2007
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