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Strategies & Market Trends
trading diary
An SI Board Since July 2003
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4511 38 0 SPY
Emcee:  charlie mcgeehan Type:  Moderated
this thread started as a place for me to record my trades properly, keep some watchlists and then assess the trade after the fact. i'm still going to do that, however it seems like some good people want to share their trading ideas and thoughts...what could be better than that. welcome to everyone.

buy the dips long and sell the rallies short...the surest way i know of making money in the markets. the trend tells you what to do(long/short), support/resistance tells you if you should do it, the price tells you when to do it and volume confirms the trade.

"I just wait until there is money lying in the corner and all I have to do is go over there and pick it up. I do nothing in the meantime. In essence, by not wanting to trade, I have inadvertently transformed myself into a master of patience. By forcing myself to wait until there was a trade that appeared so compelling that I could not stand the thought of not taking it, I had vastly improved the odds...." - James Rodgers
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ReplyMessage PreviewFromRecsPosted
4511I'm still around! Are you still here? :) I'm actually trading again agypsees-5/5/2020
4510Robin, are you still around ???blind-geezer-3/24/2018
4509Hey bald dude. I am still on facebook. You are in my trading group there. PMgypsees-1/5/2017
4508gypsees, are you still on facebook ???blind-geezer-5/3/2016
4507alive and kicking, what is up, my gypsees !!!blind-geezer-3/29/2016
4506DUDE... are you still here? :)gypsees-2/12/2016
4505where is everyone ???blind-geezer-1/27/2013
4504Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everybody!!!! gypsees-12/16/2011
4503oh my Lord, girlfriend, you are back ... I hope you are back to trading soon, soblind-geezer-2/12/2011
4502Ok old friends... If you are interested in participating - or just lurking - ogypsees-2/12/2011
4501Ha! I'm We really MUST stop meeting like this ;o)...gypsees-2/12/2011
4499yea..keep waiting for you to drop in over there.....Ms Viper could use some extrIan McGuire-1/31/2011
4498Heh heh - I check in here periodically. Hope you and the gang are doing well onMike E.-1/31/2011
4497ernst you bastage!,,,,where you been hiding??Ian McGuire-1/30/2011
4496now you are making me jealous ... it sounds like you are enjoy yourself somewheblind-geezer-1/13/2011
4495What's going on Geezer? I check in every now and then. I'm usually tooMike E.-1/13/2011
4494Mike, are you still around ???blind-geezer-1/9/2011
4493girlfriend, you are missing in action on this thread for a whole year, coming bablind-geezer-1/9/2011
4492I have not talked to her since I come up with those extra cash, hee hee heeblind-geezer-1/3/2011
4491does the wife know you have extra cash??....heheIan McGuire-1/3/2011
4490wishing everyone here a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year ... I heard gypseeblind-geezer112/24/2010
4489dude, am I the only one still in SI ???blind-geezer-10/5/2010
4488thanks old basta..oops....buddy!Ian McGuire-10/5/2010
4487McGuire, happy birthday to you my friend !!!blind-geezer-9/26/2010
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