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Strategies & Market Trends
Freddie Mac (FRE) pops the housing bubble
An SI Board Since June 2003
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50 7 0 FRE
Emcee:  KeepItSimple Type:  Unmoderated
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25i may be early in my calls of a company's collapse, but i'm never wrong.KeepItSimple-7/11/2008
24Treasury mulls cutting Fannie and Freddie's loan guarantees: Look out belowKeepItSimple-10/23/2003
23out at 58. nice run... will take profit here.John Carragher-10/13/2003
22you buying?John Carragher-9/30/2003
21SEC accounces new Freddie Mac fraud investigation!!: (the funny part is that soKeepItSimple-9/30/2003
20good to hear... One of the shows last night .. cramer or lou. was saying fre wasJohn Carragher-9/13/2003
19barrons says freddie is sweet- fannie ain'thdl-9/13/2003
18thanks for the heads up..John Carragher-9/3/2003
17Good luck with that. You'll find out soon enough that owning FRE right now KeepItSimple-9/3/2003
16This stock was over $70 now not near all time high? I will be selling at $60 anJohn Carragher-9/2/2003
15how can a stock "bottom" when it is near the top of its all time high KeepItSimple-9/2/2003
14Merrill wasn't only one putting buy on fre... a couple of shows over the weeJohn Carragher-9/2/2003
13Looks like the big boys are heading for the exists with FRE and FNM- doing theirKeepItSimple-9/2/2003
12Impact of Restatement on Financials and Business As stated above, Freddie Mac cJohn Carragher-6/25/2003
11according to Yahoo Finance, FRE has 3400 employees and a market cap of $34 Billipass pass-6/24/2003
10on the other hand some reports say they have done nothing wrong... suits can be John Carragher-6/21/2003
9Woo hoo! Today the SEC started probing Freddie Mac because it turns out the exeKeepItSimple-6/20/2003
8I believe this will require a lot of crisis management but they will keep it reapass pass-6/17/2003
7I was following your suggestion and thought I was keeping it simple.. ggg Have aJohn Carragher-6/14/2003
6if you're asking those sort of questions you have no business playing the opKeepItSimple-6/14/2003
5Never did puts can you give an example of ordering a put... does in come in 100John Carragher-6/13/2003
3sure, it's a buying opportunity- for FRE puts! where there's smoke therKeepItSimple-6/12/2003
2is this a buying opportunity.. understand they with held reporting income...John Carragher-6/12/2003
1dude i don't think fidelity's going to mess with you. I think they'10K a day-6/10/2003
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