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Africa and its Issues- Why Have We Ignored Africa?
An SI Board Since April 2003
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1258 31 0
Emcee:  Dale Baker Type:  Moderated
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ReplyMessage PreviewFromRecsPosted
1258Looking to a Time When Most of the World’s Babies Will Be African Much of tS. maltophilia-January 30
1257Making fertile ground of Boko Haram, Wagner or some other disruption: ..... TheS. maltophilia-January 12
1256It's a safe bet that the incoming regime is, and will remain, oblivious to tS. maltophilia-12/13/2024
1255visual investigations How Wagner’s Ruthless Image Crumbled in Mali The RussiaS. maltophilia-11/2/2024
1254More control, less deniability: what next for Russia in Africa after Wagner? | Rkidl15/21/2024
1253Weird doings in Niger: ... “When she finished, I said, ‘Madame, I am going to sS. maltophilia-5/20/2024
1252Just another economic migrant: aljazeera.comS. maltophilia-5/8/2024
1251Only a matter of time ......Tutsis dominate the top echelons of Mr. Kagame’s goS. maltophilia-4/7/2024
1250How the World’s Deadliest Crises Go Unseen In the Central African RepubliS. maltophilia-1/27/2024
1249....because all futurism is actually Afrofuturism. Africa is literally the futurS. maltophilia-1/4/2024
1248The Overlooked Crisis in Congo: ‘We Live in War’ Six million have died, and moS. maltophilia-12/17/2023
1247.....“Africa’s not just one place,” he said in an interview. “It’s complicated S. maltophilia-10/29/2023
1246Real estate and power aljazeera.comS. maltophilia-10/3/2023
1245The Gamble: Can Genetically Modified Mosquitoes End Disease? Working on a remoS. maltophilia-9/30/2023
1244So the son of the president-for-life got overthrown after being in office 14 yeaS. maltophilia-8/30/2023
1243Message 34331950S. maltophilia-6/24/2023
1242Why Africa is turning its back on the eco-obsessed West - spiked (spiked-online.kidl16/7/2023
1241His grip on power is nearly unassailable. Since becoming president over two decS. maltophilia34/11/2023
1240How Socialism Destroyed Africa africanliberty.orgTimF12/5/2023
1239Putin Wants Fealty, and He’s Found It in Africa - The New York Times (nytimes.cokidl212/26/2022
1238So, unfortunately, it’s time for another one of these. By which I mean both a “ S. maltophilia112/20/2022
1237See how Kenya aims to becoming the tech capital of Africa CHINEDU OKAFOR BusineGlenn Petersen112/17/2022
1236Megalopolis: how coastal west Africa will shape the coming century By the end oTimF-11/22/2022
1235[youtube video] Related - Luanda LeaksOn 19 January 2020 the InTimF-8/25/2022
1234Drones Have Transformed Blood Delivery in Rwanda The autonomous aircraft have TimF-5/20/2022
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