The purpose of this board is to share information about the COVID-19 pandemic, which is shaping up to be one of the seminal events of our lifetime. The world is not going to be the same after the pandemic has run its course.
This board is a place to discuss the origins of the pandemic, the heroic efforts of our frontline healthcare workers and first responders who are dealing with the day-to-day horrors for caring for the sick, the methods by which the virus can be transmitted, the reported experiences of those individuals who have become infected by the virus, potential drugs that can alleviate or reverse the symptoms of the afflicted, the successes and failures of our politicians and institutions, both domestic and international, the economic consequences, both macro and micro of the pandemic and perhaps most importantly, the search for a vaccine. How will the world be changed, both culturally and politically, by the pandemic, and how do we prepare for the next pandemic. feel free to post a stock tip for a company with a promising drug.
Politics are an inevitable part of the discussion, and while I have generally tried to discourage political discussions on my other boards, I realize that politics will be part of the discussion here. I would just ask that everyone be civil to one another and realize that not everything is black and white. There is a lot of gray in the world. Please respect that fact that this is a Biomedical board and not a forum for open political warfare. No name calling or taunting please and let's try to avoid seriously discussing the various conspiracy theories that are floating around on the Web. Trolls will not be tolerated.

External Resources
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Coronavirus Metrics - Worldometer
Current Canadian Statistics
COVOD-19 Vaccinations Administered Tracker
John Hopkins Center for Health Security
World Health Organization |
CORD-19: COVID-19 Open Research Database (over 120,000 scholarly articles)
Th e COVID Tracking Project (which tracks metrics state by state)
Global Deaths Due to Various Causes and COVID-19 (a running total of global deaths by cause)
SI Resources
COVID-19 How has this impacted your life? (share your personal experiences - hosted by SI Ron)
Coronavirus - Covid 19 Information Sharing Forum (hosted by Paul Smith)