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Canadian Diamond Play Cafi
An SI Board Since July 2002
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16177 152 1
Emcee:  MadDogMike Type:  Moderated
In the ten years since the Lac de Gras discovery, Canada has yielded some very high grade diamond deposits. Five of the highest value per tonne deposits in the world are now in Canada, including the three richest in the world. By revenue, Canada is rapidly climbing the world diamond production ranking. From zero production in 1998, Canada has now overtaken Australia and become the world’s sixth largest diamond producer by revenue, accounting for about 6 % of world diamond production by revenue.It is estimated that Canada will be producing approximately 15 million carats per year by 2007, which will be almost 12% of world carat production. Canada’s projected diamond production looks even better by revenue. Based on three mines in Canada, revenue production will peak at about 19% of world diamond production by 2008. With commencement of full production at Diavik in 2003, Canada will be jockeying for third position with South Africa. There are more commercial diamond deposits yet to be confirmed throughout Canada. Canada’s statistics are impressive, but potential exists for these numbers to grow even further. There are other prospective diamond exploration regions in Canada. A few projects have emerged from the first decade or more of diamond exploration in Canada. These projects do not yet host advanced exploration or development stage projects. If all of them were developed, these discoveries could allow Canada to overtake Russia in second place of world revenue production rankings.
This forum is for News Analysis, Fundamental Analysis, Technical Analysis and Broad Diamond Mining Market Analysis. I am confident this forum will prove to be a valuable exchange of information, ideas and insight. Professional/Polite debates are encouraged. Please respect fellow members. The forum will be moderated. "Information on this discussion board may contain certain forward-looking statements. Statements may address future events and conditions, by their very nature; they involve inherent risks and uncertainties. Actual results in each case could differ materially from those currently anticipated in such statements and may be subject to significant risks. This is a stock discussion forum and all investment decisions made by you, are your sole responsibility. In no event will I or any of the members of this discussion board be responsible or liable to you or anyone else, for any decision made or action taken, based on the contents posted on this board. Any trade or investment made in part or in whole by reference to information posted on this board is & will be the sole responsibility of each and every individual investor. Always conduct your own Due Diligence. No statement or expression of opinion, or any other matter herein, directly or indirectly, is an offer to buy or sell the securities mentioned.

As of this month, Feb 2005, the diamond sector has shown signs of coming out of coma. Moving forward, there are signs the resource sector will continue to show high increase in market caps, specifically in diamond stocks. 2005/2006 can generate major interest in the resource sector.

As of October 2019, the sector is still in a coma.
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ReplyMessage PreviewFromRecsPosted
16177Yup Diamonds are F'dRocket Red112/27/2024
16176The diamonds are forever manta has diedThe Barracuda™212/27/2024
16175De Beers Diamond Inventory Soars To Highest Since 2008 Financial Crisis As PriceRocket Red112/27/2024
16174Yup [X] RIP “real” diamonds— Amy Wu (@amytongwu) SeThe Barracuda™-10/1/2024
16173Rapaport Nov 21, 2023 Consumers Beware. Synthetic diamond prices are crashinbarry-11/23/2023
16172VRR splatt.... fragments...Natedog-9/30/2023
16171 2023-07-10 17:49 ET - Market Summary by Will Purcell The diamond andbarry-7/11/2023
16170VRR where are you ???????????????????????????Rocket Red-6/29/2023
16169if your daughter ever wants to sell it for whatever reason its worthless Rocket Red-6/11/2023
16168VRR - BOING!!!! is this the one! Image homer Simpson paying.Natedog-5/27/2023
16167Diamond & Specialty Minerals Summary for May 18, 2023 by Will Purcell On VRNatedog15/18/2023
16166Vrr confirmed kimberlite pipe now some people might get a real discovery story iRocket Red25/18/2023
16165getting paid to distort the truth in paid articles are pretty much useless Rocket Red-5/13/2023
16164Rotflmao hook line and sinker you lost it Next time do better dd instead of maRocket Red-5/13/2023
16163Judas Priest, Red. Do you even watch or read the stuff you post? That video, prWillP15/12/2023
16162It is exciting. The flies have even puffed up into a plume here. Drilling yesterNatedog25/12/2023
16161when you write a story and get paid for it don't make up bullshit that youRocket Red15/12/2023
16160some get all bent out of shape may 11 video drill turning rotflmao (26) PRocket Red15/12/2023
16159PS i don't get paid to write shit BS stories at CSW then short the stocks liRocket Red-5/12/2023
16158a little more DD for the lazy people Microsoft Word - Bent Elbow Combined DorRocket Red-5/12/2023
16157you yourself call companies then make up a bs story why bother ? i'm aRocket Red-5/12/2023
16156"lol don't make shit up you said vrr was full of bullshit" I'WillP-5/12/2023
16155lol don't make shit up you said vrr was full of bullshit you have lost itRocket Red-5/12/2023
16154So you're saying that VR Resources news releases are full of BS? Fair enougWillP-5/12/2023
16153If you were serious all you had to do is call vrr And you would of known they Rocket Red-5/12/2023
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